Finance and Management (B.Sc.)
Develop strategies, understand markets, lead businesses – with your bachelor's degree in finance

Studying Finance and Management: Your path to global success in the financial world
With our English-taught Bachelor in Finance and Management, you will gain the expertise needed to thrive in a dynamic global environment. As a finance and management bachelor degree, this programme equips you with essential skills to analyze global markets and develop innovative financial strategies.
By combining in-depth theory with hands-on projects, you’ll be well-prepared for careers in investment, controlling, or business development. Benefit from international networks and experienced faculty who will guide you along the way.
Our flexible study model, including an integrated semester abroad, provides intercultural experiences and global perspectives, helping you grow both professionally and personally.
Kick-start your career in the financial world of tomorrow – shape your future with your Bachelor's degree in Finance and Management!

Learning content
Business Models
You learn to understand the different types of business models for production, servicing, software development on concrete example. You also learn to analyze the strength and weaknesses of business models.
NXT GEN Insight: Everybody talks about Business Models. CBS not only teaches it in a separate class, but also built a whole study program on it.
Data Analysis & Statistics
Hands-on practice to understand, summarize, and decode data; learn how to frame business questions to enable data analysis, how to use statistical methods and tools to read the story behind the data, and how to visualize your findings and proposed answers to real world problems.
NXT GEN Insight: At CBS we will not just show you statistical theory, but enable you to use your analytical competency to support your company in making and communicating good business decisions.
Marketing & Branding
Marketing is essential in identifying the customer requirements, needs and wants. Branding plays an important role in today´s attention economy. In this course you learn the most modern marketing concepts as well as how to build strong brands, especially in a digital world, and how to measure its success.
Rhetoric & Presentation Skills, CV & Letter of Motivation
Spreadsheets (& Financial Maths)
Guest Lectures
Throughout the semester, we invite at least 12 different company speakers to help you get a good understanding of the different industries and work requirements.
Financial Analysis
Whether you want to take an investment decision as an investor, a credit decision as a bank or help to improve a company as a consultant, you need to be able to analyze the financials of a company. We teach you the language, ratios and all the tricks.
Global Management & Strategy
Managers and consultants need a strong analytical mind as well as the ability to use tools and frameworks. In this class we teach you a range of tools & frameworks for analyzing companies and recommending solutions!
Product Management, Competition Analysis & Pricing
The success of every great company starts with one more product, that generate so much customer benefit, that customers want to buy it. But one needs to find the right pricing for the product in the context of competition. We teach you all about it.
NXT GEN Insight: Product development cycles are fast. Designing, updating, improving or renovating a product needs competences. We wonder, why do you seldomly get this at other business school or universities?
Digital Literacy
- Applied Mathematics
- Digital Marketing Tools
- Econometrics
- Innovation
- Intercultural Competence & (European) Business Culture
- Leader, Teams & Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Website Development
- Self Mgt, Problem Solving Techniques & Resilience
- Language
Guest Lectures
Throughout the semester, we invite at least 12 different company speakers to help you get a good understanding of the different industries and work requirements.
Accounting, Managerial Account & Taxation
Accounting is important because it measures the success of a company. You will learn to make the according entries into the Balance Sheet and Income Statement. You’ll also discover what is important to be reported internally to a CEO/CFO and of course will understand taxes that drive decisions on locations.
NXT GEN Insight: Almost all business programs start with Accounting in the 1st semester. We don’t we first ask you to analyze companies’ annual reports before you put them together in parts yourself.
Digital Technology & AI
The future is based on digital technologies. Databases, web services, apps, networks, cloud services, encryption, APIs, and so on. Learn and apply those technologies and become proficient in the use of modern AI tools.
NXT GEN Insight: This course will be your stepping stone to practical AI, machine learning, big data and more advanced studies of digital technology.
Sustainability, CSR & ESG
Every company exists in a context of an environment, a society, a governing authority or an economy. Learn what decisions managers have to take and why it is actually more than sensible to run a sustainable company.
(Academic) Writing
Students will be equipped with versatile writing skills applicable in academic and professional settings. It emphasizes audience analysis, research proficiency, and effective communication, while learning how to utilize AI tools for writing. Enhance your writing skills from essays, academic and professional reports, to social media and blog writing to prepare you for your multilingual profession.
- Negotiation Skills
- Project & Change Management
- Language
Guest Lectures
Throughout the semester, we invite at least 12 different company speakers to help you get a good understanding of the different industries and work requirements.
HR & Organisation
People are the most valuable resource to companies. Managers firstly must be up to date on the tools used, when it comes to recruitment, onboarding etc. Secondly, we will take a closer look at the place where HRM happens – the organisation.
NXT GEN Insight: The innovative approach of this module is to think and design HR Management and the organisation of a company, its structure, processes and incentive systems, together from the very beginning.
- Applied Mathematics
- Digital Marketing Tools
- Econometrics
- Innovation
- Intercultural Competence & (European) Business Culture
- Leader, Teams & Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Website Development
- Self Mgt, Problem Solving Techniques & Resilience
- Language
Business Projects
You will learn how to define project objectives, develop project plan/concept, formulate evidence-based recommendations, structure complex presentations, work under the set timeframe and collaborate in a project team.
This course will enable you to apply your knowledge in a real business situation and excercise your analytical/ project management/ interpersonal skills.
Guest Lectures
Throughout the semester, we invite at least 12 different company speakers to help you get a good understanding of the different industries and work requirements.
Semester Abroad
You will spend the fifth semester at one of our numerous partner universities abroad. Our International Office supports you in the selection & application process and coordinates the courses to be taken abroad with you in advance.
- Applied Mathematics
- Digital Marketing Tools
- Econometrics
- Innovation
- Intercultural Competence & (European) Business Culture
- Leader, Teams & Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Website Development
- Self Mgt, Problem Solving Techniques & Resilience
- Language
Economics (with Mathematical Models)
There are plenty of Economic Models. They determine the decisions companies must take. In this class we will discuss demand & supply curves, preference curves, equality models, economic cycles and prisoner dilemmas.
NXT GEN Insight: Out of Macro and Micro Economics we will teach you the most relevant models for businesses. In order to understand them better, we are modelling them in an applied manner with Mathematics.
Investment, Value & Risk
- Financial Markets & Banking
Financial Instruments
- Corporate Finance
Business Plan Writing & Pitching
Should you ever want to be a manager, you probably not only have to explain a product or service, but also calculate its feasibility and profit contribution. For this you need a business plan and this course will help you to put one together.
Simulation Game
In a business simulation game participants have to manage their own virtual company which operates in the same market as other participant-operated competitors. This involves making typical management decisions in realistic environments. Beside the deepening and active examination of subject-specific knowledge the simulation games also include the team environment, where interaction, communication and prioritization are of paramount importance.
Guest Lectures
Throughout the semester, we invite at least 12 different company speakers to help you get a good understanding of the different industries and work requirements.
Thesis Tutorial & Empirical Work
During the last semester of your studies, you will have to opportunity to study a question of particular interest to you in depth over a three month period. As part of the Thesis Tutorial you will learn how to link a question of practical business relevance to concepts learned during your studies, building an hypothesis, gathering data, and contributing new understanding to a topic of interest.
During your 6th semester you are working on your Bachelor thesis. You have 12 weeks to complete your thesis and the subject is freely selectible. A supervisor from CBS will support you and you can write the thesis in collaboration with a company as well.
Teil des Studiums ist ein Praktikum (10 ECTS) in Deutschland oder im Ausland. Unser Career Service unterstützt Dich bei der Suche nach einem geeigneten Unternehmen.
Your path to CBS
Starting your studies at CBS University of Applied Sciences is as unique as you are – and at the same time, completely hassle-free. With our user-friendly online application process, you can apply from anywhere, with no numerus clausus restrictions.
Instead of rigid admission requirements, we focus on a personal selection process that highlights your strengths and potential. Whether you choose a dual, part-time, or full-time programme, CBS University offers the perfect combination of theory and practice.

Admission requirements
The für dein Bachelor-Studium an der CBS University of Applied Sciences variieren je nach Studiengang . into your studies at CBSSciences is so Like yourself — and at the same time designed. With our easy to use Can you yourself apply, completely without . Instead of staring Waiting for you with us is a that is your strengthsand focuses on potential. Regardless of whether you opt for dual, part-time or full-time study, the CBSUniversity offers you the of
The application deadline is year round open, even before you graduate from high school. For dual study programs, you should sufficient lead time Plan so that we can find your suitable practice partner. The start of studies is flexible: in the winter semester or, for selected programs, also in the summer semester. One early candidature is particularly important for limited study places secure and apply for any necessary visas in good time.
A dual or part-time study Is often used by the Practice partner financed, which is also a valuable occupational provides accompaniment. A full-time study On the other hand, can be achieved by numerous Funding opportunities like BAföG or stipends Personalize to give you an optimal connection of personal Development and academic To make the future possible.
Der Career Service und das Talent Development der CBS unterstützen dich dabei, dein ideales Partnerunternehmen zu finden. Mit 1:1-Coachings, Workshops und einem breiten Netzwerk an Unternehmenspartnern begleiten wir dich über deine gesamte Studienzeit hinweg. Gemeinsam entwickeln wir eine Strategie, die zu deinen Stärken und Karrierezielen passt.

At CBS, we are committed to seamlessly integrating theory and practice, allowing you to apply your knowledge directly and gain valuable insights into the real working world.
Business Projects
Im Rahmen der Business Projects an der CBS International Business School haben Studierende die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam mit renommierten Unternehmen an realitätsnahen Projekten zu arbeiten. Diese praxisorientierte Lehrform verbindet theoretisches Wissen mit konkreten wirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen und gewährt tiefe Einblicke in berufliche Abläufe.
Dank eines Netzwerks von über 1.300 etablierten Unternehmen aus diversen Branchen profitieren Studierende von exklusiven Einblicken in die Arbeitswelt. Diese Kooperationen eröffnen nicht nur spannende Perspektiven, sondern fördern auch die Entwicklung wichtiger Kontakte und bieten nachhaltige Karrieremöglichkeiten.
Ob in Form von Pflichtpraktika, die fester Bestandteil vieler Studiengänge sind, oder durch die Integration von Berufserfahrung in duale und berufsbegleitende Programme: Du kannst dein Fachwissen direkt in der realen Arbeitswelt anwenden.
Course schedule and attendance times

Inspiration and Impact – What Our Alumni Say
Let yourself be inspired by the experiences of our alumni and discover how the Bachelor’s degree at CBS has shaped their professional and personal development.
FAQ: The most important questions about studying Finance and Management
Here you can find answers to all important questions all around your Finance and Management degree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at any time.
What is Finance and Management?
The Finance and Management programme combines financial and business administration topics to provide in-depth knowledge of corporate finance, controlling, investments, and strategic management. Students learn how to make financial decisions and lead companies successfully.
Why should you study Finance and Management?
This degree prepares you for a career in the financial sector by equipping you with analytical skills, economic expertise, and a deep understanding of financial strategies. Graduates are capable of navigating companies through an ever-changing global economy.
How long does the Finance and Management degree programme take?
The programme typically lasts six semesters, equivalent to three years, and concludes with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Finance and Management degree.
Is there an admission restriction (NC) for the Finance and Management degree programme?
At CBS, there is no general Numerus Clausus (NC). Admission is based on your academic performance, motivation, and English proficiency.
What are the admission requirements for the Finance and Management degree programme?
Applicants need a recognised university entrance qualification, such as an Abitur or Fachabitur, along with proof of English proficiency, which can be demonstrated through tests like TOEFL or IELTS.
What does the Finance and Management study programme look like?
The Finance and Management studies combine theoretical knowledge with practical usages, including Case Studies, group projects and internships. In addition, modern financial technologies and strategies are taught to optimally prepare you for the requirements of the job market.
Where can I study Finance and Management programme?
Finance & Management degree programme is offered at our cologne campus.
What do you learn during your Finance and Management studies? What are the course contents?
The curriculum covers Financial Management, Investment Analysis, Risk Management, Controlling, Business Valuation, International Finance, and Business Law.
What is the expected salary after graduation from Finance and Management degree programme?
The starting salary for Finance and Mangement graduate typically ranges between €45,000 and €55,000 per year, depending on the industry and job role. With experience, significantly higher salaries are possible.
Can I study without a high school diploma (Abitur) or university entrance qualification (Fachhochschulreife)?
Yes, under certain conditions, such as a completed vocational training programme and relevant work experience, it is possible to study without a traditional university entrance qualification.
Any questions? We're here to help
Do you have any questions about our bachelor's or master's degree programs? Our Student Advisory team is here to support you! Schedule your personal consultation—online or in person—for tailored, non-binding guidance on finding the right study program for you.