

Discover the Erasmus Plus programme at CBS - broaden horizons and connect cultures


What is Erasmus+?

Erasmus+ in the current generation of the program (2021-2027) aims to support the objectives of the European education agendas to advance the modernization, internationalization and qualitative improvement of higher education in Europe, to strengthen the international competences, personal development and employability of students, to increase the attractiveness of the EU as a study and science location and to contribute to the sustainable development of higher education in third countries.

Finally, the program should also help to build more bridges across educational sectors and intensify cooperation between different educational sectors.

Erasmus+ in Higher Education supports students, higher education institutions, higher education staff and non-academic partners; it also supports cooperation with schools, enterprises, adult education institutions and youth associations.

The program includes the following key actions:

  • Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals

  • Key Action 2: Cooperation among organizations and institutions

  • Key Action 3: Support to policy development and cooperation

Erasmus+ has a budget of approximately 26.2 billion euros. This is almost twice as much as for the predecessor program (2014-2020).

You can also find more information about Erasmus+ on the European Commission website.

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Erasmus+ Goals & Content

What are the aims & contents of the ERASMUS+ programme?

Erasmus+ funding is primarily used to strengthen mobility within Europe and, since 2015, to a lesser extent with other parts of the world. Students in all study cycles up to and including the doctorate who wish to complete a part of their studies or an internship abroad are included. Students in the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs can each receive funding for up to 12 months. Internships abroad are also possible after graduation. Erasmus+ also contributes to the further internationalization of the universities by funding short-term lectureships and further training stays for teaching and administrative staff. Furthermore, universities can invite corporate staff from abroad for teaching visits and now also participate in multilateral strategic partnerships with other European partners (also from the non-academic sector) and jointly develop innovative projects (e.g. in the field of curriculum development or on cross-educational topics).

All Actions of the Erasmus+ program are fully open for participation by EU Member States. (Erasmus+ Programmländer - Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD). In addition, according to Article 19 of the Erasmus+ Regulation, the following third countries are associated with the program:

  • Members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA): Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein

  • Acceding, candidate and potential candidate countries: Republic of Northern Macedonia, Republic of Turkey and Republic of Serbia.

The implementation of Erasmus+ is organized both in a decentralized way - through National Agencies - and in a centralized way - through the Executive Agency of the European Commission. In the field of higher education in Germany, the NA DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service ( ) performs the tasks of a National Agency for Erasmus+ on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 

The 2021-2027 program focuses on social inclusion, the green and digital transformation, and promoting young people's participation in democratic life.

It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme

  • Also supports the European pillar of social rights,
  • implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, and
  • Promotes the European dimension of sport.

Opportunities for individuals

The EU has been funding the Erasmus program for 35 years. It has so far enabled over three million European students to spend part of their studies in a higher education institution or organization in Europe.

Erasmus+ opens up such opportunities for everyone - students, staff, trainees, teachers, volunteers and other interested parties. The program is not just for Europe or European citizens, but is open to participants from all countries.

Under the umbrella of the EU education program Erasmus+, the following mobility measures are supported:

  • Studying abroad for students (SMS)

  • Traineeships abroad for students (SMP)

  • Mobility of teachers (STA)

  • Staff mobility (STT)

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education ECHE/EPS

Any higher education institution wishing to participate and/or apply for this EU program must have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) (file document accordingly).

The ECHE has been issued by the European Commission. It proves that a higher education institution meets all the requirements for successful participation in the Erasmus+ programme. You can view CBS's ECHE here

you can view the Erasmus Declaration on European Higher Education Policy here.


“This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. The responsibility for the content of this publication (release) is borne solely by the author; the Commission is not liable for any further use of the information contained therein.”

Further information and advice concerning the Erasmus+ mobility grants can be obtained from

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn
Tel.: +49(0)228/882-8877
Fax: +49(0)228/882-555

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Here you can find the most important Erasmus+ FAQs for CBS students on studies/internships in Europe:

Semester & internships abroad in Europe

What is Student Mobility in Studies (SMS)?

Students can use Erasmus+ to study at a European university in another participating country after completing their first year of study, in order to expand their social and cultural skills there and improve their career prospects. They learn about the academic system of a foreign university as well as its teaching and learning methods.
Stays are funded in all program countries.
Students are eligible for Erasmus+ funding if....
  • they want to complete a study visit in one of the 33 participating program countries,

  • they are regularly enrolled at a German university and are pursuing a course of study leading to an academic degree at the university,

  • their university participates in the Erasmus+ program,

  • the home university and the host university have concluded an Erasmus cooperation agreement.

Students receive...
  • destination country-specific, financial grants for their study period abroad,

  • academic recognition of their study achievements abroad,

  • a waiver of tuition, registration, examination, laboratory and library fees at the host university,

  • support in the preparation and implementation of the stay abroad (cultural, linguistic, organizational),

  • if applicable, an online language course funded by Erasmus+ as part of Online Language Support (OLS),

  • if applicable, subsidy for the use of sustainable means of transport,

  • if applicable, special grants for participants with fewer opportunities. (You can find more information at Möglichkeiten für Teilnehmende mit geringeren Chancen – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD).

Duration of the grant

An Erasmus+ study visit can last between two months and twelve months. In total, students can be funded for up to 36 months for study and/or internship:

  • up to twelve months in each case in Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral degree programs,

  • in single-track courses (e.g. medicine, state examinations, old diploma courses) up to 24 months and an additional twelve months in doctoral studies,

  • the funding can be split and used more than once within a study cycle (e.g. for two times for six months).

Erasmus+ also allows for a combination of studies and internship: students can thus study at a higher education institution on the one hand and complete an internship in a company or other institution within the same mobility period on the other. Each mobility can be complemented - provided that the minimum duration for the physical stay is respected - by a virtual phase with no time limit.

Under certain conditions, shorter mobilities in the form of "blended mobility" (combination of virtual and physical mobility) can also be supported. The duration of the physical phase is a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 30 days. The format is complemented by any volume of virtual learning before or after the physical mobility. The duration of the virtual component is not subject to any eligibility criteria, but a minimum of 3 ECTS credits must be awarded for the combined virtual and physical mobility.

The Erasmus Student Charter reflects the above values and priorities and serves to adequately inform participants of their entitlements and obligations and to ensure the successful implementation of their mobility.

Reporting requirement:

All grantees who have participated in an Erasmus+ mobility action are required to prepare and submit a report on the action after its completion, together with relevant supporting documents (e.g. on the duration of the stay).

How do I get an Erasmus+ scholarship to study abroad?

Requirements for Erasmus study abroad

  • Regular enrolment at the CBS

  • Completion of the first year of study

  • You must apply one year before your semester abroad as part of our internal CBS application process.

  • Watch out for the announcements, info sessions and information that the CBS International Office regularly publish on the Erasmus+ programme. 

  • Study visit at a partner university with which the home university has concluded an Erasmus cooperation agreement (inter-institutional agreement).

  • Home and host university have a valid Erasmus University Charter (ECHE). You can find the current list of all CBS partner universities on myCBS (Link hinterlegen: CBS StuPo) in the International Office section. 

  • Stays are funded in all Erasmus programme countries.

What is Student Mobility in Practical Training (SMP)?

Students can use Erasmus+ to complete internships in companies or organizations in other European countries.

Students can be funded with Erasmus+ if....

  • they want to do an internship in a public or private institution in one of the 33 participating program countries,
  • they are regularly enrolled at a German university,
  • their university participates in the Erasmus+ program.
Graduates can be supported by Erasmus+ if...
  • they want to do an internship in a public or private institution in one of the 33 participating program countries (Erasmus+ Programmländer – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD),

  • they still have at least two months of Erasmus+ funding available from their previous study period, or they have not been funded for more than ten months,

  • they have been selected for funding by their home university within their last year of study of the respective study phase (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate),

  • they can present the academic degree or have successfully completed all examinations,

  • the internship is completed within twelve months of their graduation.

Students and graduates receive...
  • destination-specific, financial grants for their internship abroad,

  • academic credit for the internship,

  • support in the preparation and implementation of the stay abroad (cultural, linguistic, organizational),

  • if applicable, an online language course funded by Erasmus+ as part of Online Language Support (OLS), (EU Academy (,

  • if applicable, subsidy for the use of sustainable means of transport,

  • if applicable, special grants for participants with fewer opportunities.

Duration of funding

Students can be sponsored for a total of up to 36 months for study and/or internship:

  • up to twelve months in each of the bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs,

  • in single-track courses (e.g. medicine, state examination, old diploma courses) up to 24 months and an additional twelve months in doctoral studies,

  • the funding can be split up and used several times within one study cycle (e.g. for two times six months).

  • Duration of internship: minimum two months and maximum twelve months

  • minimum two months and maximum twelve months

Reporting obligation:

All grantees who have participated in an Erasmus+ mobility measure are obliged to prepare a report on the measure after its completion and submit it together with relevant evidence (e.g. on the duration of the stay).

What are the benefits of an Erasmus+ internship abroad?

  • EU internship contract between university, company and student
  • Academic recognition of the internship, if applicable
  • Support during the internship by a contact person at the home university and at the company
  • Support in preparation (cultural, linguistic, organizational)
  • Special grants for students with children
  • if applicable, subsidy for the use of sustainable means of transport,
  • if applicable, special grants for participants with fewer opportunities.

Who can apply for an Erasmus+ internship abroad? 

  • Regularly enrolled CBS students.

  • Pay attention to the announcements, info sessions and information regularly published on Erasmus+ internships by the CBS Career Service.

  • Internships in European institutions or organizations, national diplomatic representations and organizations that administer EU programs are not eligible for funding.

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Erasmus+ funding

How much Erasmus funding is available for students? 

The financial support for Erasmus+ student stays is based on the different costs of living in the destination countries ("Program Countries"). The corresponding breakdown into three country groups is centrally determined by Erasmus+.
In the project years 2023 and 2024, different nationally determined funding levels for study visits (SMS) apply: 

Erasmus+ trainees receive an additional 150 euros per month.

There are also further top-ups for participants with fewer opportunities and for sustainable travel. You can find more information here (Link hinterlegen: Möglichkeiten für Teilnehmende mit geringeren Chancen – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD) and/or please contact the CBS International Office.

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Here you can find the most important Erasmus+ information for lecturers and university staff:

Mobility for teaching purposes/teacher mobility


Erasmus+ supports guest lectureships at European partner universities, stays of foreign company representatives at German universities as well as further education and training measures for university staff at European universities and companies.

Mobility for further education and training purposes/staff mobility

Erasmus+ enables further education and training measures for university staff in programme countries to expand internationalization.

Higher education staff from a German higher education institution with an ECHE may receive funding for a mobility to a host higher education institution with an ECHE based in another program country or another institution that is active in the labor market or in the fields of education, training or youth for further education and training purposes.

Who can apply?

The program is open to all employees of a university: from trainees to the executive board.

For example, university staff from the following areas:

  • General & technical administration

  • Library

  • Departments

  • Faculties

  • Finances

  • International Office

  • Public Relations

  • Student Advisory Service

  • Technology & Transfer

  • Continuing Education

What is supported?

The beneficiaries receive...

  • financial grants for their stay abroad, depending on the country of destination,

  • if applicable, a subsidy for the use of sustainable means of transportation,

Activity formats:

  • job shadowing

  • Study visits

  • Participation in curriculum development (lecturers)

  • Participation in workshops and seminars

  • Participation in language courses

Duration of funding

Stays abroad last between at least two days for program countries or 5 days for partner countries and 60 days (excluding travel time).

Benefits of an Erasmus+ mobility

  • Mobility based on a coordinated program
  • Professional exchange and new perspectives
  • Strengthening your own skills
  • Expansion and consolidation of networks

How much Erasmus+ funding is available for lecturer and staff mobility?

The financial support for Erasmus mobility for teaching and training is based on the different costs of living in the target countries (“program countries”). Standardized daily rates apply for funding by German universities.

The following fixed daily rates apply for Germany for the different country groups up to the 14th day of support (Förderraten und Aufstockungsbeträge (top-ups) in der Mobilität von Einzelpersonen (KA131) – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD Förderraten und Aufstockungsbeträge (top-ups) in der Mobilität von Einzelpersonen (KA131) – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD); from the 15th to the 60th day of support, the support amounts to 70% of the daily rates stated.


There is also additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities. You can find more information here (Zusatzförderung für Teilnehmende mit geringeren Chancen – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD) and by contacting the CBS International Office

In addition to these daily rates, there is a travel allowance depending on the actual distances between the place of departure and destination of the mobility, which are determined uniformly throughout Europe using a calculation tool (Distance Calculator - Erasmus+). Higher travel allowances apply for sustainable travel. You can find the relevant travel allowances on the DAAD website (Förderraten und Aufstockungsbeträge (top-ups) in der Mobilität von Einzelpersonen (KA131) – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD)


Reporting obligation:

All grantees who have participated in an Erasmus+ mobility measure are obliged to prepare a report on the measure after its completion and submit it together with relevant evidence (e.g. on the duration of the stay).

Contact Person for Erasmus+ at CBS

If you have any questions about the Erasmus+ program (especially regarding the mobility of students and university staff and teachers), please contact the CBS International Office.


Incoming Erasmus+ students at CBS International Business School

International students who would like to complete a semester or a year of study at CBS International Business School as part of the Erasmus+ programme can find all information on the courses offered for international students, the application process, language requirements, support, and contacts at CBS in the section for exchange students.