Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
Incoming Students
Outgoing Students
International Office
Student Life
Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
Incoming Students
Outgoing Students
International Office
Student Life
CBS International Business School is internationally oriented. The teaching prepares you for a career in globally operating companies – even abroad. This means including a semester abroad as part of the programme in some courses. The international office maintains good relations with more than 160 partner universities throughout the world and is constantly working to expand this network. To this end, our employees travel to potential, new universities, and educational fairs in order to establish contacts and offer our students even more possibilities.
CBS International Office also holds informational events. These, for example, are used to explain in a compact manner what is to be observed before the semester abroad, which documents have to be submitted, and how the crediting of study achievements works.
Thanks to the internationality at CBS, many students from all over the world feel at home with us. CBS International Office also advises these on all relevant matters to their stay in Germany.
Most students have a dream: to spend a semester abroad. Getting to know a new country, gathering intercultural experiences, improving language skills, expanding expertise … there are many good reasons. At CBS, this is not a privilege but an established practice. In the English-language and dual Bachelor studies you spend one semester abroad; students in the German-language programme also have the option to apply for a semester abroad.
Having to choose from over 160 partner universities all around the world is no easy task. The International Office is happy to advise you and can offer valuable tips.
The International Office offers a wide range of assistance in planning and implementing your semester abroad:
Individual counselling interviews
Presentations by representatives of the foreign partner universities
Presentations by CBS students who report on their experiences abroad
Regular information events on opportunities and application processes
Exchange between former and future outgoings
Support for all necessary steps before, during and after the semester abroad
Of course, it is important to know at which university your subjects of choice are available, how well your foreign language skills need to be, and how to find an apartment or a shared flat. After the consultation, it’s up to you to select between partner universities where you would like to study, and start with the application process - first at CBS, then at relevant partner institutions - in cooperation with the international office. Additional tuition fees generally do not apply for most of the study abroad destinations, but travel and everyday costs vary considerably depending on the country and city. The International Office is also happy to advise you on all financing issues concerning your semester abroad. Learn more about a semester abroad here.
The students at CBS come from 75 nations (as of Winter Term 2017), such as Taiwan, Korea, France, the USA, and Mexico. The cultural diversity here on campus has been consistently high for years, as CBS offers a wide range of services thanks to its International Office, which makes your arrival here a smooth one, so you can start feeling at home right away. To get things started, the study advisory will familiarize you with the basic rules and conditions. Each semester begins with student orientation, or “Welcome Week”, where international students get to know the campus and the city. A “Study Buddy” programme has also been put in place to make sure you always have a contact person even after the orientation week. As per request, international students shall be provided a CBS student, who is there to offer advice and help out with things like showing you the student life or even accompanying you on visits to public authorities. This is how new arrivals find their way quickly and those who have been around a while make new, interesting contacts.
The team at the CBS International Office is happy to assist you with all questions around studying abroad at CBS and planning your stay in Germany. Likewise, as a CBS degree student, we will of course support your plans to study abroad at our international partner universities, or make plans for further international experiences, and guide you through the application process and planning of your stay abroad!
Campus Köln, Aachen, Berlin/ Potsdam, Düsseldorf/Neuss, Hamburg, Hanover & Solingen : +49 (0) 221 93 18 09 789 |
Campus Mainz: +49 (0) 6131 88 055 33 |