Bachelor’s Entry Requirements

Find out which academic qualifications you need for your Bachelor’s degree at CBS.

Bachelorstudium an der CBS - Studierende sitzen zusammen mit Unterlagen in einer Arbeitsgruppe

All Key Bachelor’s Entry Requirements at a Glance – See if You’re Ready to Start!

Whether you have A-levels, a university entrance qualification from a technical college, or a professional qualification – there are many ways to start your bachelor’s degree at CBS. Here, you can find out which requirements you need to meet and how to apply.

A-levels or Equivalent Qualifications

Studying Without A-levels

Language Requirements (English-Taught Programmes)

Key Success Factors for Your Bachelor’s Degree


Your Checklist for a Bachelor’s Degree Application

To successfully enrol in a Bachelor’s programme at CBS University of Applied Sciences, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • Officially certified copy of your university entrance qualification
    This could be A-levels, an advanced vocational diploma, a master craftsman’s certificate, or an apprenticeship qualification with professional experience. The certification must be issued by an official authority, such as a public notary or a local citizens’ office.
  • CV in tabular format
    Including details of your education, professional experience, and any prior academic achievements.
  • Gültiges Visum (nur für internationale Bewerber:innen)
    Wenn du visumspflichtig bist, gelten die folgenden Bewerbungsfristen: Wintersemester: 30.05. und Sommersemester: 30.11.
  • Valid visa (for international applicants only)
    If you require a visa, the application deadlines are:
    Winter semester: 30 May
    Summer semester: 30 November
  • Motivation letter (for international applicants only)
  • Proof of health insurance
    Registration with a health insurance provider is mandatory for your enrolment. If you have private health insurance, you must provide an exemption from statutory health insurance.
  • Copy of an official photo ID
    For data protection reasons, please black out sensitive information such as the document number.
  • Proof of language proficiency (if required)
    This is necessary for international students or certain study programmes. Language certificates must be submitted in English and/or German, depending on the programme requirements.

WicImportant Notice:
Your enrolment is only complete once all required documents have been submitted. Please ensure that you provide them in good time to avoid any delays.

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