Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
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Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
Incoming Students
Outgoing Students
International Office
Student Life
Professor of Business Psychology
Social Psychology and the Workplace
Organizational Psychology
General Psychology and Research Methods
Personality Psychology and Management
Applied Business Psychology
Digital Leadership
Leadership and Coaching Approaches
HR Development & Coaching
Psychology in Digital Business
Leadership Management & Responsibilities
Effects of the use of artificial intelligence on the decision-making behaviour of managers
Willingness to change and artificial intelligence
Coaching of executives
Leadership in the age of digitization
Digital process design
Organizational Development
Human Resources Development
Online communication
Since 2017
Professorship for Business Administration with focus on Business Psychology
Since 2015
University for Applied Management Erding, Faculty of Business Psychology
Lecturer for the courses "Research topics in leadership theory & practice", "Instruments of human resources management" and "Organizational development
Project management of the module "Emerging Markets" of the School of Economics and Business Administration of Volkswagen Autouni in cooperation with CEIBS - China European Business School, Shanghai
Head of the organizational development team in the Strategy & Evaluation staff department, Goethe-Institut e.V. Munich
Advising the Executive Board on organisational development issues
Initiation, monitoring & controlling of strategy, future & innovation projects
New conception & implementation of management development
Carrying out inspections at Goethe-Instituts worldwide with subsequent consultation of the regional management on the strategic positioning of their region
Senior consultant for strategy and organisational development, ates communikation Cologne
Project management for the accompaniment of a change process at a leading German insurance company, which directly affects about 500 employees
Management and implementation of projects and workshops on the topics of dealing with change, customer loyalty and conflict management
Implementation of training and coaching in the areas of methodological competence, sales, complaint management and telephone acquisition
Project Consultant in the Human Resources Development Department of Volkswagen Group China, Beijing
Implementation of a strategy for human resources
Coaching of executives
Conception and implementation of workshops and trainings in Beijing, Changchun and Shanghai
Freelancer Intelligence System Transfer Konstanz
Business Psychology Management Consulting
Consulting on personnel and organizational development issues
Implementation of Assessment Centers with the psychological measurement method Jobfidence®.
Lombard, S./Wallraff, B. (2021): Agile Lernprozesse bei DB Systel, in: wissensmanagement – Das Magazin für Digitalisierung, Vernetzung, Collaboration, 2/2021, S. 14-17.
Kamb, G./Wallraff, B. (2020): Was Teams von Polarforschern lernen können, in: personalmagazin, 08/2020, S. 50-53.
Nuhn, H./Schulze, M./Wallraff, B. (2020): Künstliche Intelligenz im Finanzbereich – eine praktische Anleitung für den Einstieg, in: REthinking Finance, 2 (1), S. 4-10.
Nuhn, H. F. R./Schulze, M./Wallraff, B. (2018): Künstliche Intelligenz im Controlling: Bedeutung, Anwendungsgebiete und Reifegradmodell, in: Gleich, R./Tschandl, M. (Hrsg.): Digitalisierung & Controlling, Haufe-Lexware, Freiburg/München/Stuttgart, S. 89-102
Bernd Wallraff (2011) : Freiwilligenmanagement in der Praxis. In: Sozial Extra – Zeitschrift für soziale Arbeit. VS Verlag. Bochum S. 45-49
Bernd Wallraff (2010): Professionelles Management von Ehrenamtlichen. Eine empirische Studie am Beispiel von Greenpeace Deutschland. In: Budrich UniPress Ltd. Opladen & Farmington Hills MI
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