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Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
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Today, human resources have achieved a powerful position because they provide decisive competitive advantage. Keywords such as shortage of skilled workers, digitalisation of work, changed work-life balance demands of Generation Y, (gender) diversity, sustainable employee management, the discussion about scandals and leadership ethics, and much more dominate the headlines. All areas are embedded in a global strategy and influenced by strong competition, especially for the best talents. Every manager has to face all these aspects and challenges in these times. Do you want to talk to fellow students about practical solutions? Then the English-language Master’s programme Human Resources Management & Leadership at CBS International Business School is ideally suited for you and opens up career opportunities for you in middle and senior management. In addition to current research and management knowledge, you will shine with team and integration skills, multilingualism, and high application expertise.
Human Resources Management is not just a business management discipline on an international scale. In this master's degree, you acquire all the essential teaching contents, which belong to a Business Master. These include Business Economics, Corporate Governance, Value-Based Management, and Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Elective subjects offer a further individualization option.
*The displayed prices are semester fees. For non-EU students' fees please check the tuition fees information page. Status: January 2024.
Some information about the study plan for the study programme Masters in HRM and Leadership:
Analysis of demand, supply, and market equilibrium
Theory of consumer choice
Theory of the firm, production and cost analysis
Market structures: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, contestable markets
Game theory
Pricing strategies
Factor markets, labor economics
Economics of information
Industrial organization
Limitations of markets and interventions by the government
Econometric techniques related to these topics
Development of a research question
Primary vs. secondary data
Steps of research process
Research designs
Quantitative and qualitative data
Structured methods of data collection: questionnaire and structured interview
Un- and semi-structured methods: qualitative interview and focus group
Quantitative and qualitative content analysis
Ethical considerations of data collection
Data analysis using statistical software programs (SPSS)
Univariate analysis, bivariate analysis (crosstab and correlation), multiple linear regression
Writing a research report – structural and other formal requirements
Strategy making process and strategic reasoning: cognitive process of strategy
creation through the prism of logic and intuition
Setting strategic purpose in the context of responsible stakeholder management
Advanced external environment analysis: markets, industries and competitive
landscapes in static and dynamic perspective in the domestic and international
Diagnosing and managing strategic capability through national borders over time
Cultural and institutional context of strategic management: concepts, frameworks
and analytical tools
Generic and interactive business strategies, inside-out and outside-in perspective on
achieving and sustaining competitive advantage internationally
Network-level strategies
Corporate development and configuration: strategic options and portfolio matrices
Strategy formation
Strategic change and corporate restructuring
Strategic renewal
Strategy evaluation and strategic controls: tools and methods
Organizing for success
Diagnosing the change context: diffusion and dynamics of innovation
Sources & types of innovation
Product/service, process & business model innovation
Individual and corporate creativity
Strategic innovation management & the innovation process incl. New Product Development (NPD)
Introduction to digitalization, digital age & digital divide
Digital drivers & disruptive forces
Technological drivers of digital transformation
Socio-technological change associated with the adoption of the mentioned drivers
Introduction to the digital organization & digital business models
Impact of digitalization on the value chain (Industry 4.0)
Digitalization-related innovation theories & technology management
Digitalization leadership & organisational transformation concepts
Change management & transformational leadership
Agility and VUCA world
SCRUM and Design Thinking
Introduction to Intercultural HRM, International HRM and Comparative HRM
Meaning of Culture & Cultural Transmission
Models of Culture: Traditional Models
Models of Culture: Developments & Debates
Intercultural Communication and Negotiation
Leadership & Multicultural Teams
Motivation and Exchange in a Cross-Cultural Context
Theoretical Foundation on Diversity Management
Intercultural Diversity Management Concepts
The Social Identity Perspective on Diversity
Privilege and power in the workplace
The Ethics or Workplace Diversity
Conducting a Diversity Audit
Introduction to International Labour Law and Business Ethics
Key facts – labour costs as an economic key factor, labour as a basis of a stable income, dissimilar working conditions
Labour law in the EU – different models in different member states
The concept of free movement of workers in the EU
EU wide principles of non-discrimination, safety, working-time
Posted workers in the EU – responsibilities of the host states
International Labour Organization
ILO’s key objectives and principles
Focus: Safety and security at work
Focus: Forced Labour - ILO’s objectives and companies’ responsibilities
Focus: Child Labour – ILO’s objectives and companies’ responsibilities
Focus: Non-discrimination
Focus: Maritime Labour – seafarer wages
Current challenges
Introduction to HR training & development
Needs analysis and various forms of further training and personnel development
Instruments and planning of HR development
Transfer and evaluation of personnel development measures
Performance & Staff appraisals and agreement on objectives
The psychology of potential and competence
Customer orientation
Social competences
Group and team dynamics
Counselling formats
Development of coaching
Evaluation and effectiveness of coaching
Development phases and intervention methods of coaching
Anamnesis in the initial interview
Typical coaching occasions
Dramaturgy of a coaching session and a coaching process
Social interactions in the coaching process
Methods of coaching
HR research objectives
Planning the HR research process
Types of research and information sources
HR research quality evaluation criteria
HR metrics
Predictive HR analytics
Benchmarking studies
Collecting, recording and analysing qualitative HR-related data
Collecting, recording and analysing quantitative HR-related data
HR surveys
HR information systems and software for statistical analysis
HR Balanced Scorecard
Summarizing and communicating research findings and making recommendations
Social competence: Communication, motivation, groups and team structures, leadership, conflict management
Methodological competence: Structural aspects, time management, cost management, human resource management, creativity and problem solving
Organisational competence: Quality management, documentation, risk management, project start and closure
The “Scholarly Writing and Analysis” course is offered for German native speakers. German as a foreign language is offered as an obligatory course for Non-native German speakers.
Cornerstones of sustainable management
CSR as management approach
Practical approaches of organizational effectiveness
Tools for CSR implementation
CSR and financial performance
Life cycle assessment
Historical developments around the world
Directors and board structures in different parts of the world
Family business governance
Role of institutional investors
Corporate governance in mergers and acquisitions
Socially responsible investments
Corporate governance in different regions
Value maximization and corporate objectives, shareholder value and stakeholder value approach
Financial measurement of corporate strategies and competitive advantage: the principles
Shortcomings of traditional profitability ratios for a value-based management
Economic Value Added, Cash Value Added
Identifying the drivers of value creation and investment decision-making
Management compensation and incentives for value creation
Defining the state of a sustainable supply chain based on actual trends
Discussion of various theoretical concepts (e.g. Stakeholder Theory, Slack Resource Theory) and their implications for sustainable supply chain management
Defining a “New Normal” of how to do business (e.g. circular economy, regenerative business models, carbon literacy training)
Sustainable Marketing (definition, Green Marketing Strategy Mix, Green Washing and Sustainable Consumer Buying Behaviour)
Sustainable Procurement (definition, Sustainable Procurement Process Model with a focus on sustainable supplier relationship management; new trends like circular procurement)
Sustainable Logistics
Sustainable Design
Carbon Emission / Human Rights in global supply chains
The course “HR Consulting and Project Management Techniques” introduce students to the main challenges of the modern HR management consulting profession and includes e.g. key problem solving as well as decision making techniques, constituting the main elements of the “advanced toolkit”, commonly used by HR consultants in diverse contexts.
HR Management consulting as a management activity
Controversies and ethics of HR management consulting
HR Consulting engagement as problem solving exercise
Analytical and interactive data processing and forecasting methods
Analytical problem solving approaches and techniques
Creative approaches to problem solving and decision making
Evidence-based decision making methods
Structured and logical report writing techniques
Effective communication techniques
Application of different instruments and methods of agile HR work and instruments
Introduction to HR innovations and the philosophy of “New Generation HR”
Overview of Contemporary and future HRM
Implementation innovative HR approaches, tools, and techniques
Best Practices discussions (topics depending on the involved HR practitioners)
Impact analysis of selected HR innovations on the company's performance
Conditions for a successful implementation (culture, acceptance, etc.)
Ethical considerations & sustainability of HR innovations
Creating own and new ideas of innovative HR approaches, tools, etc.
The overall objective of this course is to provide students with possibility of applying their business knowledge on concrete business situation, related to the field of their specialization.
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Define project goals for the “client”.
Work under the set timeframe and agreed project scope.
Cooperate in the international project teams.
Evaluate markets/ industries/ competitive landscapes.
Develop possible strategic directions for the “client” business.
Formulate recommendations.
A business elective is a business or management-related elective course.By choosing Business Electives in the second and third semester you can personalize your degree course and extend your management knowledge.
By choosing Interdisciplinary Electives in the second and third semester you can personalize your degree course and extend your management knowledge. An interdisciplinary elective is an elective from another discipline than your own specialization.
Different Inteligencies – IQ vs EQ
The role of emotions – daily and work life
The construct of Emotional intelligence
Emotionally intelligent competencies & skills
Skills acquisition – Experiential/action learning
Reflection & reflexion
Encouraging engagement
Developing trust
Theory of strategic HRM
Strategic HRM and business strategy
Strategic HRM and organisational performance
Strategic HRM in a complex and uncertain environment
Strategic HRM in MNEs vs. SMEs
Strategic Staffing
Strategic Training and Develop Management
Strategic Compensation and Rewards
Strategic HRM and Sustainability
Leadership Theories / Models and Leadership Traits
Leadership Styles
Cognitive, Behavioural, and Emotional Explanation for Human Motivation
Performance Management and Controlling
Leadership Tools
Organisations and Organisational Effectiveness
Organisational Theory
Basic Challenges of Organisational Planning and Development
Organisational Design
Management in Organisational and Ethical Culture
Organisational Life Cycle
Organisational Decision Making
Organisational Development and Change
Change Management in Mergers and Acquisitions
Main Concepts in Employment Relations
Leadership construct and different perspectives
Leadership relationships (leader, led)
Interactional, personal and situational aspects of leadership
Leadership effectiveness
Theoretical explanations of the development of the leadership relationship (e.g. leader-member exchange theory)
Selected fields of leadership
Work-life balance
Different approaches to leadership styles & different leadership tools
Significant and current developments in organizational practice and corresponding consequences for leadership in organizations
Strategies of Employee Relationship Management (ERM), employees as internal customers
Importance of emotional intelligence in employee relationship management (ERM)
International and comparative employment relations
Employee relations and CSR
Image of humanity
Changing (social) values
Forms of New Work
Self-direction, Self-control, Self-Guidance
Big Data and HR Analytics
Digital competences
Digital technologies and their significance for HR
Active Sourcing & Social Media Recruiting
Use of software and mobile applications in further selected HR functions (HR training & development; HR compensation & benefits, HR service)
Discovering and evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities
Developing business ideas from opportunities (e.g. based on using Design Thinking, Personas and User Stories).
Feasibility analysis of business ideas
Transferring the idea into a Business Model
Business Model and its building blocks (value proposition, customers segments, channels, customer relationships, revenue model, key partners, key activities, key resources, cost structure)
Business Plan: Introduction, Sample Case and General Outline
Developing the details of the business plan
Finding sources of financing: Business angels; Private equity; Start up financing; Venture capital investors
Preparing a pitch deck for successfully presenting the new venture business plan
Focused review of the curriculum content
Pre-assessment quiz/ content area assessment as benchmark for students’ status quo
Guide and Strategic Plan to Case Study Analysis
Writing a proper Case Study Analysis report
Developing proper answers to Case questions, applying the relevant theoretical knowledge and frameworks
In-depth Case Study Analysis with focus all subject areas of the curriculum
In-depth Case Study Analysis with special focus on Strategic Management
In a business simulation game participants have to manage their own virtual company which operates in the same market as other participant-operated competitors. This involves making typical management decisions in realistic environments. Beside the deepening and active examination of subject-specific knowledge the simulation games also include the team environment, where interaction, communication and prioritization are of paramount importance. Participants learn how to manage risk and uncertainty while time is limited and information constrained. Group-reflections help to take over different perspectives and to discuss pros and cons of content- as well as behavior-related actions.
During the Master Thesis Tutorial you will learn the fundamentals for your Master thesis: Defining the topic as well as structuring the thesis and you will learn the theoretical knowledge for scientific working.
A business elective is a business or management-related elective course.By choosing Business Electives in the second and third semester you can personalize your degree course and extend your management knowledge.
By choosing Interdisciplinary Electives in the second and third semester you can personalize your degree course and extend your management knowledge. An interdisciplinary elective is an elective from another discipline than your own specialization.
The evolution of storytelling
What storytelling looks like in a variety of organisational contexts
Criteria for successful storytelling
Case studies and successful storytelling campaigns
Character development
What do you want to say?: guidelines for taglines, quotes and copy
Storyboarding and plot development
During your 4th semester you are working on your Master thesis. You have 19 weeks to complete your thesis and the subject is freely selectable. A supervisor from CBS will support you and you can write the thesis in collaboration with a company as well. Or you can write your thesis in connection with a stay abroad.
You can choose between an internship (lasting at least eight weeks) or a semester abroad at one of our partner universities.
A Master's degree in Human Resource Management & Leadership offers you diverse career opportunities in both companies and self-employment, thanks to its interdisciplinary and practical approach. Our graduates work in the following positions, among others:
HR Manager / Personnel Manager
HR Business Partner
Recruiter / Talent Acquisition Specialist
HR Development Manager / Personnel Developer
Change Manager / Transformation Manager
Organizational Developer
Diversity & Inclusion Manager
Compensation & Benefits Specialist
Consultant in HR, Strategy, and Change Management
Leadership positions in middle and senior management
Entrepreneurship in HR and business consulting
Are you interested in pursuing an academic career instead? Our study advisors are happy to inform you about the doctoral opportunities at CBS or other universities.
The in-depth HRM teaching contents are already anchored in the first semester. Here, you will look at the impact of globalization on human resources management. What things should be decentralized? How to deal with the idiosyncrasies of different cultures? And how do you ensure a good relationship with the stakeholders? In the second semester, you will learn how company strategies can be translated into mature HR strategies, and how long-term personnel decisions can influence the future of companies. And because HRM on an international level requires absolutely stellar English skills, the study language is English.
In corporate management questions are on the agenda, which go far beyond the human resources sector. In the second semester, you will learn how companies are further developed and how organisations are designed. In the third semester, you will learn to recognize, analyse and deal with imbalances of power and inequalities in organisations. Aditionally, you measure your skills in comparison to your fellow students in a business simulation game. This is how you can test the knowledge you will have acquired until then.
For you to best apply your knowledge after graduation, the practical reference during your studies at CBS provides a unique advantage. A business project, a business simulation game and an internship at a company in Germany or abroad help prepare you for a career in the real world.
You will learn how to convince investors, partners and managing directors in the Innovation Lab - Business Plan Writing and Pitching and advance skills in the Capstone Simulation Game. In this digital business game, you take business decisions with your team and put your business know-how into practice.
For many of our students, the practical relevance is also of interest when composing their Master’s thesis. This is because the work you write in the fourth semester is often written within the framework of an internship. Alternatively, you have the opportunity to write your thesis as part of a semester abroad.
In the fourth semester you can concentrate fully on your Human Resources Management Master’s Thesis. Many of our students take advantage of the opportunity to write their thesis alongside an internship with a company. Alternatively you may choose to write your thesis during an international stay at one of our numerous partner universities.
"Especially the soft skill courses have been of great help for my performance in job interviews. Through my work in the Finance and Business Club I have built up a broad network and acquired project management skills that have enabled me to score points with companies."
"The practical learning in small groups prepared me optimally for today's project and team work. The CBS provided me with the decisive soft skills and current knowledge from the world of business."
"The Management Studies programme prepares you thoroughly for the tasks of a consultant. In particular, the development of presentation techniques as well as analytical thinking is of enormous importance in the everyday life of a consultant."
"The focus on internationality and practical skills have had a very positive influence on my development at Google. Especially the structured and very versatile project work, which is often found at a private school, was extremely helpful."
"My studies at CBS prepared me for a career in today's dynamic, global work environment. As one's origin and physical location become less and less decisive, it has become increasingly important to have a multinational network and adapt quickly to various cultures and environments."
"Many professors shared their professional business experience with us in class and were able to illustrate dry theory with practical examples. I also enjoyed the international atmosphere on campus."
"The strongly practice-oriented studies and the international orientation of the CBS, as well as the lectures held in English, were an absolutely necessary basis for starting a career with a renowned, international company."
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