CBS startet Vorlesungsbetrieb an neuem Campus in Köln-Rodenkirchen

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CBS startet Vorlesungsbetrieb an neuem Campus in Köln-Rodenkirchen

Cologne, April 2024 - Since the beginning of April, the doors of CBS International Business School have been open to around 2,000 students from all over the world in the Waldviertel district of Rodenkirchen. The newly renovated building complex of the private university of applied sciences for management is located in the immediate vicinity of the European University of Applied Sciences (EUFH) and started teaching on site at the beginning of April.

The new campus offers a new home to students specialising in management, psychology, industrial engineering and business informatics. The CBS offers a range of full-time courses, dual programmes, part-time models and a preparatory college. International students from over 75 nations will also study and work together on the new site in Rodenkirchen. Over forty modern offices are available for administrative and faculty staff.

Since 1993, the CBS International Business School - then known as the Cologne Business School - has been an integral part of Cologne's university landscape. The relocation of the university of applied sciences to Rodenkirchen marks the start of a new chapter: the former Brühl location and the former Cologne Südstadt campus are now united on the joint site in the Waldviertel.

Digital attendance university with a focus on campus life

CBS International Business School sees itself as a "digital attendance university". "Our didactic concept includes both on-site teaching and various forms of online teaching," explains Prof Dr Anja Karlshaus, President of CBS. "The aftermath of the Covid restrictions has clearly shown us how important it is for students to learn and interact on site. With the new campus in Rodenkirchen, we are creating a variety of learning and teaching spaces as well as opportunities for socialising in the canteen or in the campus garden. In line with our Creating Tomorrow credo, we are thus offering a modern experience space in which students and employees from all over the world can meet, exchange ideas and continue their education. In combination with our corporate partnerships in the region and throughout Germany, we offer students an ideal overall package that provides them with the best qualifications for starting their careers and connects them with relevant companies."

The new building comprises five lecture theatres, over 50 seminar rooms with new digital equipment and several smaller rooms for the live streaming of online lectures. There are also computer rooms, a modern library, a film studio and a test laboratory.

In the immediate vicinity of the new CBS building is the sister university EUFH, which offers degree programmes in the fields of health, social work and education. The Inthera practice for physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy is also located there. Both universities belong to the Klett Group, one of Europe's leading education companies.

The new building comprises five lecture theatres, over 50 seminar rooms with new digital equipment and several smaller rooms for the live streaming of online lectures. There are also computer rooms, a modern library, a film studio and a test laboratory.

In the immediate vicinity of the new CBS building is the sister university EUFH, which offers degree programmes in the fields of health, social work and education. The Inthera practice for physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy is also located there. Both universities are part of the Klett Group, one of Europe's leading education companies.

Inauguration ceremony at the beginning of May 2024

After the first weeks of lectures, the university, together with the EUFH and Inthera Praxis, will hold an official inauguration ceremony on 3 May 2024. The doors of both universities will be open to visitors from 2pm to 7pm. In addition to campus tours through the lecture rooms and practices, short presentations will provide an insight into the degree programmes on offer and visitors can discover various "hands-on zones" in the EUFH building. Representatives of the City of Cologne and business partners from the region will also take part in the celebration.

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