Strategic Management & Consulting berufsbegleitend (M.Sc.)
Strategische Beratungskompetenz aufbauen und Unternehmen nachhaltig transformieren – mit deinem berufsbegleitenden Master in Consulting.

Master Consulting berufsbegleitend studieren: Erfolgreiche Geschäftsstrategien entwickeln und Unternehmen führen
In unserem berufsbegleitenden Consulting Master erwirbst du das Fachwissen, um Unternehmensentscheidungen strategisch zu bewerten und Risiken sowie Potenziale gezielt zu analysieren. Bereits während des Studiums setzt du dein Wissen in praxisnahen Projekten ein und profitierst von einem vielseitigen Business-Skills-Training sowie zahlreichen studienbegleitenden Angeboten, die dich optimal auf deine zukünftige Rolle vorbereiten.
Unternehmen stehen oft vor Herausforderungen, die eine externe Perspektive erfordern, um neue Chancen zu identifizieren und nachhaltige Lösungen zu entwickeln. Unternehmensberater:innen werden hinzugezogen, wenn Organisationen an ihre Grenzen stoßen. Sie entwickeln maßgeschneiderte Wachstumsstrategien, optimieren Geschäftsprozesse und begleiten Unternehmen bei umfassenden Veränderungsprozessen.
Das berufsbegleitende Studium bereitet dich gezielt darauf vor, in dieser anspruchsvollen Branche Fuß zu fassen. Die Consulting-Branche bietet dir nicht nur Einblicke in verschiedene Unternehmenskulturen und Branchen, sondern auch eine steile Lernkurve durch die Vielfalt der Projekte. Ob als externe:r Berater:in oder als Teil des internen Managements – mit diesem Masterstudium erweiterst du deine strategischen Kompetenzen und positionierst dich für eine erfolgreiche Karriere im Bereich Consulting und Unternehmensstrategie.

Business Intelligence
- Introduction in Business Intelligence
- KPIs and Dashboards
- Report definitions
- Multidimensional Modeling
- Data warehouses within a company infrastructure
- Interfaces and ETL
- BI Software Products
Business Intelligence
- Introduction in Business Intelligence
- KPIs and Dashboards
- Report definitions
- Multidimensional Modeling
- Data warehouses within a company infrastructure
- Interfaces and ETL
- BI Software Products
Data Science
- Machine learning, AI and neural networks
- Information visualization
- Big Data and statistical methods for big data analysis
- Data mining
- Database systems (e.g Hadoop, Kubernetes)
Data Science
- Machine learning, AI and neural networks
- Information visualization
- Big Data and statistical methods for big data analysis
- Data mining
- Database systems (e.g Hadoop, Kubernetes)
Critical Reflection 2
Critical Reflection 2
Critical Reflection
Critical Reflection
Master Thesis
During your 5th semester you are working on your Master thesis, the subject is freely selectable. A supervisor from CBS will support you and you can write the thesis in collaboration with a company as well. Or you can write your thesis in connection with a stay abroad.
Master Thesis
During your 5th semester you are working on your Master thesis, the subject is freely selectable. A supervisor from CBS will support you and you can write the thesis in collaboration with a company as well. Or you can write your thesis in connection with a stay abroad.
Assessment Center Bootcamp
- Consulting Industry/Professional Services as an example for an industry where ACs are key: Sector Overview incl. Company Profiles with focus on different specializations: HR, Strategy, Marketing, Finance etc.
- Job application and interview training
- Case study training, e-Case study training
- Framework for processing case studies
- Brain Teaser Training
- Case Simulation (Individual and Group Cases)
- Psychological tests
- In-Tray and Group exercise training
Assessment Center Bootcamp
- Consulting Industry/Professional Services as an example for an industry where ACs are key: Sector Overview incl. Company Profiles with focus on different specializations: HR, Strategy, Marketing, Finance etc.
- Job application and interview training
- Case study training, e-Case study training
- Framework for processing case studies
- Brain Teaser Training
- Case Simulation (Individual and Group Cases)
- Psychological tests
- In-Tray and Group exercise training
Master Thesis Tutorial
During the Master Thesis Tutorial you will learn the fundamentals for your Master thesis: Defining the topic as well as structuring the thesis and you will learn the theoretical knowledge for scientific working.
Master Thesis Tutorial
During the Master Thesis Tutorial you will learn the fundamentals for your Master thesis: Defining the topic as well as structuring the thesis and you will learn the theoretical knowledge for scientific working.
Business Simulation Game
In a business simulation game participants have to manage their own virtual company which operates in the same market as other participant-operated competitors. This involves making typical management decisions in realistic environments. Beside the deepening and active examination of subject-specific knowledge the simulation games also include the team environment, where interaction, communication and prioritization are of paramount importance. Participants learn how to manage risk and uncertainty while time is limited and information constrained. Group-reflections help to take over different perspectives and to discuss pros and cons of content- as well as behavior-related actions.
Business Simulation Game
In a business simulation game participants have to manage their own virtual company which operates in the same market as other participant-operated competitors. This involves making typical management decisions in realistic environments. Beside the deepening and active examination of subject-specific knowledge the simulation games also include the team environment, where interaction, communication and prioritization are of paramount importance. Participants learn how to manage risk and uncertainty while time is limited and information constrained. Group-reflections help to take over different perspectives and to discuss pros and cons of content- as well as behavior-related actions.
Integrative Case Studies
- Focused review of the curriculum content
- Pre-assessment quiz/ content area assessment as benchmark for students’ status quo
- Guide and Strategic Plan to Case Study Analysis
- Writing a proper Case Study Analysis report
- Developing proper answers to Case questions, applying the relevant theoretical knowledge and frameworks
- In-depth Case Study Analysis with focus all subject areas of the curriculum
- In-depth Case Study Analysis with special focus on Strategic Management
Integrative Case Studies
- Focused review of the curriculum content
- Pre-assessment quiz/ content area assessment as benchmark for students’ status quo
- Guide and Strategic Plan to Case Study Analysis
- Writing a proper Case Study Analysis report
- Developing proper answers to Case questions, applying the relevant theoretical knowledge and frameworks
- In-depth Case Study Analysis with focus all subject areas of the curriculum
- In-depth Case Study Analysis with special focus on Strategic Management
Business Project
The overall objective of this course is to provide students with possibility of applying their business knowledge on concrete business situation, related to the field of their specialization.
By the end of the module students should be able to:
- Define project goals for the “client”.
- Work under the set timeframe and agreed project scope.
- Cooperate in the international project teams.
- Evaluate markets/ industries/ competitive landscapes.
- Develop possible strategic directions for the “client” business.
- Formulate recommendations.
Business Project
The overall objective of this course is to provide students with possibility of applying their business knowledge on concrete business situation, related to the field of their specialization.
By the end of the module students should be able to:
- Define project goals for the “client”.
- Work under the set timeframe and agreed project scope.
- Cooperate in the international project teams.
- Evaluate markets/ industries/ competitive landscapes.
- Develop possible strategic directions for the “client” business.
- Formulate recommendations.
Venture Lab
- Discovering and evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities
- Developing business ideas from opportunities (e.g. based on using Design Thinking, Personas and User Stories).
- Feasibility analysis of business ideas<
- Transferring the idea into a Business Model
- Business Model and its building blocks (value proposition, customers segments, channels, customer relationships, revenue model, key partners, key activities, key resources, cost structure)
- Business Plan: Introduction, Sample Case and General Outline
- Developing the details of the business plan
- Finding sources of financing: Business angels; Private equity; Start up financing; Venture capital investors<
- Preparing a pitch deck for successfully presenting the new venture business plan
Venture Lab
- Discovering and evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities
- Developing business ideas from opportunities (e.g. based on using Design Thinking, Personas and User Stories).
- Feasibility analysis of business ideas<
- Transferring the idea into a Business Model
- Business Model and its building blocks (value proposition, customers segments, channels, customer relationships, revenue model, key partners, key activities, key resources, cost structure)
- Business Plan: Introduction, Sample Case and General Outline
- Developing the details of the business plan
- Finding sources of financing: Business angels; Private equity; Start up financing; Venture capital investors<
- Preparing a pitch deck for successfully presenting the new venture business plan
Industry 4.0 & System Engineering
- Innovative concepts, technologies and systems which are required for Industry 4.0
- Use cases (Digital Twin, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring ) for Industry 4.0
- Maturity and Readiness Model for Industry 4.0 Strategy
- Business models in Industry 4.0
- Systems analysis, systems design, systems architecture
Industry 4.0 & System Engineering
- Innovative concepts, technologies and systems which are required for Industry 4.0
- Use cases (Digital Twin, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring ) for Industry 4.0
- Maturity and Readiness Model for Industry 4.0 Strategy
- Business models in Industry 4.0
- Systems analysis, systems design, systems architecture
Environmental Impact Management and Marketing
- Historical developments and environmental policies: Evolution and role of industrial ecology and environmental management
- The transition from a linear to a circular economic system
- Industrial Metabolism, Dematerialization, Cradle to Cradle (C2C) & Circular Economy
- Life-Cycle-Impact Portfolio and Life-Cycle-Assessment: Stages of LCA process, interconnectedness to supply chain
Environmental Impact Management and Marketing
- Historical developments and environmental policies: Evolution and role of industrial ecology and environmental management
- The transition from a linear to a circular economic system
- Industrial Metabolism, Dematerialization, Cradle to Cradle (C2C) & Circular Economy
- Life-Cycle-Impact Portfolio and Life-Cycle-Assessment: Stages of LCA process, interconnectedness to supply chain
Applied M&A & Restructuring
- Corporate strategy evaluation and development of strategic options
- Emergent and prescriptive approaches
- Gap closing strategies
- Buy strategies: Mergers and Acquisitions
- Build strategies: Strategic renewal, organic corporate development strategies
- Ally strategies
Applied M&A & Restructuring
- Corporate strategy evaluation and development of strategic options
- Emergent and prescriptive approaches
- Gap closing strategies
- Buy strategies: Mergers and Acquisitions
- Build strategies: Strategic renewal, organic corporate development strategies
- Ally strategies
Strategic Renewal & Digital Business Models
- Corporate strategy
- Development of a corporate strategic concept
- Corporate strategy evaluation and development of strategic options
- Emergent and prescriptive approaches
Strategic Renewal & Digital Business Models
- Corporate strategy
- Development of a corporate strategic concept
- Corporate strategy evaluation and development of strategic options
- Emergent and prescriptive approaches
Strategic Investment Decision & Risk Management
- Investment decisions under conditions of uncertainty
- Types of Investments and disinvestments
- Investment Decisions under capital constraints
- Strategic Analysis of selected investment decisions
- Funding Decisions
- Financial Distress
Strategic Investment Decision & Risk Management
- Investment decisions under conditions of uncertainty
- Types of Investments and disinvestments
- Investment Decisions under capital constraints
- Strategic Analysis of selected investment decisions
- Funding Decisions
- Financial Distress
Evidence-Based Problem Solving - CaseLab
- Strategy process
- Strategic thinking
- Strategy formation
- Strategic content and context
- Organizational context
- Industry context
Evidence-Based Problem Solving - CaseLab
- Strategy process
- Strategic thinking
- Strategy formation
- Strategic content and context
- Organizational context
- Industry context
Consulting Techniques
- Management consulting as a management activity
- Management consulting as an industry and profession: areas, history, development in the era of globalization
- Controversies and ethics of management consulting
- Consulting engagement as problem solving exercise
- Analytical and interactive data processing and forecasting methods
- Analytical problem solving approaches and techniques
- Creative approaches to problem solving and decision making
- Evidence-based decision making methods
- Structured and logical report writing techniques
- Effective communication techniques
Consulting Techniques
- Management consulting as a management activity
- Management consulting as an industry and profession: areas, history, development in the era of globalization
- Controversies and ethics of management consulting
- Consulting engagement as problem solving exercise
- Analytical and interactive data processing and forecasting methods
- Analytical problem solving approaches and techniques
- Creative approaches to problem solving and decision making
- Evidence-based decision making methods
- Structured and logical report writing techniques
- Effective communication techniques
Experience Lab: Search Engine Marketing
- Introduction: definition
- Search Engine Optimization / SEO
- Keyword research
- On-page SEO
- Web analytics and SEO tools
- Search Engine Advertising/ SEA
- Campaign settings
Experience Lab: Search Engine Marketing
- Introduction: definition
- Search Engine Optimization / SEO
- Keyword research
- On-page SEO
- Web analytics and SEO tools
- Search Engine Advertising/ SEA
- Campaign settings
Event Management (Ted Talk) Seminar
- Basics of event management
- Objective of the event and different types of events
- The event as a marketing and communication tool
- Planning and preparation
- Event execution
- Tasks and role of the event manager
- Choosing the right venue
- Personnel selection
Event Management (Ted Talk) Seminar
- Basics of event management
- Objective of the event and different types of events
- The event as a marketing and communication tool
- Planning and preparation
- Event execution
- Tasks and role of the event manager
- Choosing the right venue
- Personnel selection
Value Based Management
- Value maximization and corporate objectives, shareholder value and stakeholder value approach
- Financial measurement of corporate strategies and competitive advantage: the principles
- Shortcomings of traditional profitability ratios for a value-based management
- Economic Value Added, Cash Value Added
- Identifying the drivers of value creation and investment decision-making
- Management compensation and incentives for value creation
Value Based Management
- Value maximization and corporate objectives, shareholder value and stakeholder value approach
- Financial measurement of corporate strategies and competitive advantage: the principles
- Shortcomings of traditional profitability ratios for a value-based management
- Economic Value Added, Cash Value Added
- Identifying the drivers of value creation and investment decision-making
- Management compensation and incentives for value creation
Corporate Governance
- Historical developments around the world
- Directors and board structures in different parts of the world
- Family business governance
- Role of institutional investors
- Corporate governance in mergers and acquisitions
- Socially responsible investments
- Corporate governance in different regions
Corporate Governance
- Historical developments around the world
- Directors and board structures in different parts of the world
- Family business governance
- Role of institutional investors
- Corporate governance in mergers and acquisitions
- Socially responsible investments
- Corporate governance in different regions
International Project Management
- Social competence: Communication, motivation, groups and team structures, leadership, conflict management
- Methodological competence: Structural aspects, time management, cost management, human resource management, creativity and problem solving
- Organisational competence: Quality management, documentation, risk management, project start and closure
International Project Management
- Social competence: Communication, motivation, groups and team structures, leadership, conflict management
- Methodological competence: Structural aspects, time management, cost management, human resource management, creativity and problem solving
- Organisational competence: Quality management, documentation, risk management, project start and closure
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Defining the state of a sustainable supply chain based on actual trends
- Discussion of various theoretical concepts (e.g. Stakeholder Theory, Slack Resource Theory) and their implications for sustainable supply chain management
- Defining a “New Normal” of how to do business (e.g. circular economy, regenerative business models, carbon literacy training)
- Sustainable Marketing (definition, Green Marketing Strategy Mix, Green Washing and Sustainable Consumer Buying Behaviour)
- Sustainable Procurement (definition, Sustainable Procurement Process Model with a focus on sustainable supplier relationship management; new trends like circular procurement)
- Sustainable Logistics
- Sustainable Design
- Carbon Emission / Human Rights in global supply chains
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Defining the state of a sustainable supply chain based on actual trends
- Discussion of various theoretical concepts (e.g. Stakeholder Theory, Slack Resource Theory) and their implications for sustainable supply chain management
- Defining a “New Normal” of how to do business (e.g. circular economy, regenerative business models, carbon literacy training)
- Sustainable Marketing (definition, Green Marketing Strategy Mix, Green Washing and Sustainable Consumer Buying Behaviour)
- Sustainable Procurement (definition, Sustainable Procurement Process Model with a focus on sustainable supplier relationship management; new trends like circular procurement)
- Sustainable Logistics
- Sustainable Design
- Carbon Emission / Human Rights in global supply chains
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Cornerstones of sustainable management
- CSR as management approach
- Practical approaches of organizational effectiveness
- Tools for CSR implementation
- CSR and financial performance
- Life cycle assessment
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Cornerstones of sustainable management
- CSR as management approach
- Practical approaches of organizational effectiveness
- Tools for CSR implementation
- CSR and financial performance
- Life cycle assessment
Innovation Management & Digital Transformation
- Diagnosing the change context: diffusion and dynamics of innovation
- Sources & types of innovation
- Product/service, process & business model innovation
- Individual and corporate creativity
- Strategic innovation management & the innovation process incl. New Product Development (NPD)
- Introduction to digitalization, digital age & digital divide
- Digital drivers & disruptive forces
- Technological drivers of digital transformation
- Socio-technological change associated with the adoption of the mentioned drivers
- Introduction to the digital organization & digital business models
- Impact of digitalization on the value chain (Industry 4.0)
- Digitalization-related innovation theories & technology management
- Digitalization leadership & organisational transformation concepts
- Change management & transformational leadership
- Agility and VUCA world
- SCRUM and Design Thinking
Innovation Management & Digital Transformation
- Diagnosing the change context: diffusion and dynamics of innovation
- Sources & types of innovation
- Product/service, process & business model innovation
- Individual and corporate creativity
- Strategic innovation management & the innovation process incl. New Product Development (NPD)
- Introduction to digitalization, digital age & digital divide
- Digital drivers & disruptive forces
- Technological drivers of digital transformation
- Socio-technological change associated with the adoption of the mentioned drivers
- Introduction to the digital organization & digital business models
- Impact of digitalization on the value chain (Industry 4.0)
- Digitalization-related innovation theories & technology management
- Digitalization leadership & organisational transformation concepts
- Change management & transformational leadership
- Agility and VUCA world
- SCRUM and Design Thinking
Strategic Analysis & Management
- Strategy making process and strategic reasoning: cognitive process of strategy
creation through the prism of logic and intuition - Setting strategic purpose in the context of responsible stakeholder management
- Advanced external environment analysis: markets, industries and competitive
landscapes in static and dynamic perspective in the domestic and international
context - Diagnosing and managing strategic capability through national borders over time
- Cultural and institutional context of strategic management: concepts, frameworks
and analytical tools - Generic and interactive business strategies, inside-out and outside-in perspective on
achieving and sustaining competitive advantage internationally - Network-level strategies
- Corporate development and configuration: strategic options and portfolio matrices
- Strategy formation
- Strategic change and corporate restructuring
- Strategic renewal
- Strategy evaluation and strategic controls: tools and methods
- Organizing for success
Strategic Analysis & Management
- Strategy making process and strategic reasoning: cognitive process of strategy
creation through the prism of logic and intuition - Setting strategic purpose in the context of responsible stakeholder management
- Advanced external environment analysis: markets, industries and competitive
landscapes in static and dynamic perspective in the domestic and international
context - Diagnosing and managing strategic capability through national borders over time
- Cultural and institutional context of strategic management: concepts, frameworks
and analytical tools - Generic and interactive business strategies, inside-out and outside-in perspective on
achieving and sustaining competitive advantage internationally - Network-level strategies
- Corporate development and configuration: strategic options and portfolio matrices
- Strategy formation
- Strategic change and corporate restructuring
- Strategic renewal
- Strategy evaluation and strategic controls: tools and methods
- Organizing for success
Empirical Research Methods
- Development of a research question
- Primary vs. secondary data
- Steps of research process
- Research designs
- Quantitative and qualitative data
- Structured methods of data collection: questionnaire and structured interview
- Un- and semi-structured methods: qualitative interview and focus group
- Quantitative and qualitative content analysis
- Ethical considerations of data collection
- Sampling
- Data analysis using statistical software programs (SPSS)
- Univariate analysis, bivariate analysis (crosstab and correlation), multiple linear regression
- Writing a research report – structural and other formal requirements
Empirical Research Methods
- Development of a research question
- Primary vs. secondary data
- Steps of research process
- Research designs
- Quantitative and qualitative data
- Structured methods of data collection: questionnaire and structured interview
- Un- and semi-structured methods: qualitative interview and focus group
- Quantitative and qualitative content analysis
- Ethical considerations of data collection
- Sampling
- Data analysis using statistical software programs (SPSS)
- Univariate analysis, bivariate analysis (crosstab and correlation), multiple linear regression
- Writing a research report – structural and other formal requirements
Business Economics
- Analysis of demand, supply, and market equilibrium
- Theory of consumer choice
- Theory of the firm, production and cost analysis
- Market structures: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, contestable markets
- Game theory
- Pricing strategies
- Factor markets, labor economics
- Economics of information
- Industrial organization
- Limitations of markets and interventions by the government
- Econometric techniques related to these topics
Business Economics
- Analysis of demand, supply, and market equilibrium
- Theory of consumer choice
- Theory of the firm, production and cost analysis
- Market structures: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, contestable markets
- Game theory
- Pricing strategies
- Factor markets, labor economics
- Economics of information
- Industrial organization
- Limitations of markets and interventions by the government
- Econometric techniques related to these topics
Dein Weg zur CBS
Der Einstieg in dein Master-Studium an der CBS University of Applied Sciences ist so individuell wie du selbst – und dabei unkompliziert gestaltet. Mit unserem benutzerfreundlichen Online-Bewerbungsverfahren kannst du dich bequem von überall aus bewerben, ganz ohne Numerus Clausus.
Anstatt von starren Zugangsvoraussetzungen erwartet dich bei uns ein persönliches Auswahlverfahren, das deine Stärken und Potenziale in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Egal, ob du dich für ein duales, berufsbegleitendes oder Vollzeit-Studium entscheidest, die CBS University bietet dir die optimale Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis.

Die Zugangsvoraussetzungen für dein Master-Studium an der CBS University of Applied Sciences variieren je nach Studiengang .
Die Bewerbungsfrist ist ganzjährig offen, selbst vor deinem Abitur. Für duale Studiengänge solltest du ausreichend Vorlaufzeit einplanen, damit wir deinen passenden Praxispartner finden können. Der Studienstart ist flexibel: zum Wintersemester oder, bei ausgewählten Programmen, auch zum Sommersemester. Eine frühzeitige Bewerbung ist besonders wichtig, um begrenzte Studienplätze zu sichern und eventuell notwendige Visa rechtzeitig zu beantragen.
Ein duales oder berufsbegleitendes Studium wird oft durch den Praxispartner finanziert, der zugleich eine wertvolle berufliche Begleitung bietet. Ein Vollzeitstudium lässt sich hingegen durch zahlreiche Fördermöglichkeiten wie BAföG oder Stipendien individuell gestalten, um dir eine optimale Verbindung von persönlicher Entwicklung und akademischer Zukunft zu ermöglichen.
Maximal Praxisah
Durch unseren Ansatz, Theorie und Praxis zu verbinden, kannst du während deinem Master-Studium dein erlerntes Wissen direkt anwenden und wertvolle Einblicke in die reale Arbeitswelt gewinnen.
Business Projects
Im Rahmen der Business Projects an der CBS International Business School haben Studierende die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam mit renommierten Unternehmen an realitätsnahen Projekten zu arbeiten. Diese praxisorientierte Lehrform verbindet theoretisches Wissen mit konkreten wirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen und gewährt tiefe Einblicke in berufliche Abläufe.
Dank eines Netzwerks von über 1.300 etablierten Unternehmen aus diversen Branchen profitieren Studierende von exklusiven Einblicken in die Arbeitswelt. Diese Kooperationen eröffnen nicht nur spannende Perspektiven, sondern fördern auch die Entwicklung wichtiger Kontakte und bieten nachhaltige Karrieremöglichkeiten.
Ob in Form von Pflichtpraktika, die fester Bestandteil vieler Studiengänge sind, oder durch die Integration von Berufserfahrung in duale und berufsbegleitende Programme: Du kannst dein Fachwissen direkt in der realen Arbeitswelt anwenden.
Der Career Service und das Talent Development der CBS unterstützen dich dabei, dein ideales Partnerunternehmen zu finden. Mit 1:1-Coachings, Workshops und einem breiten Netzwerk an Unternehmenspartnern begleiten wir dich über deine gesamte Studienzeit hinweg. Gemeinsam entwickeln wir eine Strategie, die zu deinen Stärken und Karrierezielen passt.

Ablauf und Präsenzzeiten deS Masterstudiums

Inspiration und Impact – Das sagen unsere Alumni
Lass dich von den Erfahrungen unserer Alumni inspirieren und entdecke, wie das Master-Studium an der CBS ihre berufliche und persönliche Entwicklung geprägt hat.
FAQ: Die wichtigsten Fragen zum berufsbegleitenden Masterstudium Consulting
Hier findest du Antworten auf alle wichtigen Fragen rund um dein Masterstudium in Strategic Management & Consulting. Solltest du weitere Fragen haben, kannst du uns jederzeit gerne kontaktieren.
Warum lohnt sich ein berufsbegleitender Master in Consulting?
Ein berufsbegleitender Master in Consulting kann aus mehreren Gründen eine lohnenswerte Investition sein, insbesondere wenn du bereits im Berufsleben stehst und deine Karriere im Consulting oder in angrenzenden Bereichen vorantreiben möchtest:
1. Direkte Anwendung des Gelernten
- Da du parallel zum Studium arbeitest, kannst du neue Strategien, Methoden und Werkzeuge direkt in deinem Job einsetzen.
- Du entwickelst ein tieferes Verständnis für praxisrelevante Herausforderungen und kannst Studieninhalte mit realen Projekten verknüpfen.
2. Karrierevorteile und Aufstiegschancen
- Ein Masterabschluss kann deine Chancen auf Führungspositionen deutlich verbessern.
- Viele Unternehmensberatungen bevorzugen Bewerber:innen mit einem spezialisierten Master, insbesondere für höhere Positionen.
- Falls du bereits in der Beratung tätig bist, kannst du dein Profil schärfen und dich auf strategische oder spezialisierte Bereiche (z. B. Digital Transformation, Change Management) fokussieren.
3. Netzwerkaufbau und neue Karrierechancen
- Ein berufsbegleitendes Studium bringt dich mit Gleichgesinnten aus verschiedenen Branchen zusammen, was wertvolle Kontakte für deine berufliche Zukunft schafft.
- Als Hochschule haben wr enge Verbindungen zur Wirtschaft und ermöglichen Zugang zu potenziellen Arbeitgebern und Projekten.
4. Flexibilität und finanzielle Vorteile
- Da du weiterhin arbeitest, kannst du dein Einkommen beibehalten und finanzielle Unsicherheiten vermeiden.
- Im Vergleich zu einem Vollzeit-Master sparst du Opportunitätskosten (kein kompletter Verdienstausfall).
- Einige Arbeitgeber unterstützen ihre Mitarbeitenden finanziell oder durch Freistellungen.
5. Consulting-spezifische Skills und Spezialisierung
- Ein berufsbegleitender Master in Consulting vermittelt fundiertes Wissen in:
- Strategieentwicklung & Unternehmensführung
- Projektmanagement & Change Management
- Datenanalyse & digitale Transformation
- Leadership & Soft Skills für Berater
- Du kannst dich auf bestimmte Branchen oder Beratungsfelder spezialisieren (z. B. IT-Consulting, HR-Consulting, Finanzberatung).
6. Höheres Gehaltspotenzial
- Mit einem spezialisierten Master in Consulting kannst du dein Gehalt signifikant steigern – besonders in Top-Consulting-Firmen oder als spezialisierte:r Berater:in.
- Auch im Inhouse-Consulting oder strategischen Unternehmensabteilungen gibt es attraktive Gehaltsperspektiven.
Wie lange dauert das berufsbegleitende Masterstudium?
Das berufsbegleitende Masterstudium in Consulting dauert in der Regel 5 Semester (2 1/2 Jahre) und endet mit dem Master of Science (M.Sc.).
Gibt es einen NC?
In der Regel gibt es für den berufsbegleitenden Consulting Master-Studiengang keinen Numerus Clausus (NC). Die Zulassung erfolgt auf Grundlage deines Bachelorabschlusses.
Was sind die Voraussetzungen für den berufsbegleitenden Master in Consulting?
Für den berufsbegleitenden Master-Studiengang benötigen Bewerber:innen einen ersten Hochschulabschluss in Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder einem verwandten Fachgebiet sowie analytische Fähigkeiten und Interesse an strategischen Fragestellungen. Gute Englischkenntnisse sind nötig, da das Studium auf Englisch angeboten wird.
Wie läuft das berufsbegleitende Masterstudium ab?
Der Master Strategic Management & Consulting (M.Sc.) wird berufsbegleitend angeboten und kombiniert Online-Seminare mit praxisnahen Präsenzveranstaltungen.
Wo kann ich den Master in Consulting berufsbegleitend studieren?
Strategic Management und Consulting im Master kannst du an unserem Standort in Köln berufsbegleitend studieren.
Wie viel verdient man nach dem Studium?
Absolvent:innen können mit einem Einstiegsgehalt von 50.000 bis 80.000 Euro rechnen, abhängig von Branche und Erfahrung.
Wie viel kann ich neben dem berufsbegleitenden Management Consulting Master arbeiten?
Das berufsbegleitende Masterstudium in Consulting an der CBS ist als flexibles Wochenendstudium mit einem Mix aus Onlinelehre und Präsenzvorlesungen aufgebaut. Durch diese Flexibilität ist es möglich sich beruflich neben einem Vollzeitjob weiterzuqualifizieren.
Brauche ich für den berufsbegleitenden Master in Management Consulting einen Arbeitgeber?
Nein, du kannst auch ohne festen Arbeitgeber Consulting im Master berufsbegleitend an der CBS studieren. Wenn du aktuell auf der Suche nach einem Job bist, helfen dir unsere Talent Development Specialists gerne weiter.
Finanziert der Arbeitgeber das berufsbegleitende Studium?
Viele Arbeitgeber beteiligen sich an den Kosten des berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiums in Consulting. In welcher Höhe dein Arbeitgeber diese Form der Mitarbeiterentwicklung bezuschusst ist eine individuelle Entscheidung. Unser Career Service steht dir für Fragen gerne zur Verfügung.
Noch Fragen?
Du hast Fragen zu unseren Bachelor- oder Master-Studiengängen? Vereinbare jetzt ganz unkompliziert deinen persönlichen Beratungstermin – online oder vor Ort! Unser Team unterstützt dich individuell und unverbindlich auf deinem Weg zum passenden Studium.