
CBS Team

Prof. Dr. Florian Täube

Dr. Florian Täube

  • Professur für International Business und Entrepreneurship

  • E-Mail: 

Lehrveranstaltungen an der CBS ? !

International Management
International Marketing
International Trade Management
Integrative Case Study
Innovation Management
Market Entry Strategies
Markteintrittsstrategien I + II
Internationales Management
Corporate Strategy and Renewal
Market Innovation
Business Project
Global Sourcing
Start-up Management and Business Modeling

Forschungs- und Beratungsschwerpunkte ? !

International Entrepreneurship
Corporate Entrepreneurship/ Intrapreneurship
Global Value Chains and Local Clusters
Offshoring and Outsourcing
Technological Innovation
Open Innovation
Social Networks
Emerging Markets
Sustainable Mobility
Cleantech Finance

Ausbildung/Studium ? !

Promotion an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main / Gast-Doktorand an der Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA / Forschungsaufenthalt am Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indien

Thema der Dissertation: „Emergence, geography & networks of the Indian IT industry: evolutionary perspectives”

Abschluss: Dr. rer. pol.

Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre and Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main und der Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Mailand, Italien

Diplomarbeit: “Rural Credit, Institutional Efficiency, and Economic Development in India: Theoretical Approaches to Interlinked Patron-Client Transactions”

Tätigkeiten in der Wirtschaft ? !

Consultant bei Innoplexus AG, Eschborn

International Marketing und Sales bei Ille Papier Service GmbH, Altenstadt

Founding Vice President bei TiE Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main

Intern bei International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group), Frankfurt am Main

Veröffentlichungen ? !

Refereed journal articles & Proceedings


What Attracts Diasporas to Regions? Location and Jewish Diaspora Entrepreneurs (with Erez Volovelsky and Maria Elo), Regional Studies, Special Issue on “Communities on the Move: Effects of Diasporas on Regional Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship” (forthcoming) (2016 IF: 2,780).


A diverse and resilient financial system for investments in the energy transition (with Friedemann Polzin and Mark Sanders), Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Special Issue on “Learning and Innovation in Resilient Systems”, 28: 24-32, (5-year impact factor: 5,024; Google Scholar citations: 2)

Beyond Venture Capital : an exploratory study of the finance-innovation-policy nexus in cleantech. (with Michael Migendt, Friedemann Polzin, Florian Schock and Paschen v. Flotow), Industrial and Corporate Change, doi: 10.1093/icc/dtx014 (5 year IF: 2,360; Handelsblatt: 0,5; GS citations: 5).

What Attracts Diasporas to Regions? Location and Jewish Diaspora Entrepreneurs (with Erez Volovelsky and Maria Elo), Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 11491.


VC finance & market growth-Interdependence of technology-push & market-pull investment in US solar (with Florian Schock, Jan Mutl and Paschen v. Flotow) Academy of Management Proceedings 2016(1): 10180. (GS citations: 1)

Emerging markets in Central Asia: the state as obstacle or facilitator for doing business? (with Manuel Stark and Joachim Ahrens) Academy of Management Proceedings 2016(1): 17977.


Knowledge generation and innovation diffusion in the global automotive industry—change and stability during turbulent times (with John Paul MacDuffie and Anja Schulze), Industrial and Corporate Change, 24(3): 603-611 (5 year IF: 2,360; HB: 0,5; GS citations: 15).

Public Policy Influence on Renewable Energy Investments (with Michael Migendt, Friedemann Polzin and Paschen v. Flotow), Energy Policy, 80 (May): 98-111, (5-year IF: 4,599; HB: 0,3; GS citations: 54)


Lost in transition? How network structure affects knowledge loss in interpersonal knowledge-sharing ties (with Sebastian Möbus and Marco Tortoriello), Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA (GS citations: 2)

Exploring technology diffusion in emerging markets – the role of public policy for wind energy (with Christian Friebe and Paschen v. Flotow) Energy Policy 70 (July): 217-226 (2016 IF: 4,140; HB: 0,3; GS citations: 24)


Evolution of Innovation Networks across Geographical and Organizational Boundaries: A study of subsidiaries within Bangalore IT cluster (with Petra Sonderegger and Amit Karna), European Management Review, 10(4): 211-226 (2014 IF: 1,22; HB: 0,4; GS citations: 12).

Diaspora Investment and Entrepreneurship: The Role of People, Their Movements, and Capital in the International Economy (with Masaaki Kotabe, Liesl Riddle, Petra Sonderegger), Journal of International Management, 19(1): 3-5 (2014 IF: 1,648; HB: 0,4; GS citations: 19).

Exploring the link between products and services in low-income markets—Evidence from solar home systems (with Christian Friebe and Paschen v. Flotow), Energy Policy 52 (January): 760-769 (2014 IF: 4,140; HB: 0,3; GS citations: 46).


Project-based Organising and Strategic Management: A Long-term Research Agenda on Temporary Organizational Forms (with Gino Cattani, Simone Ferriani and Lars Frederiksen), Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 28: xv-xxxix (2014 IF: 0,32; HB: 0,2; GS citations: 60)


Cluster lifecyle and Diaspora effects: evidence from the Indian IT cluster in Bangalore (with Petra Sonderegger), Journal of International Management 16(4): 383-397 (2014 IF: 1,648; HB: 0,4; ISI citations: 10/ GS citations: 68)


Breakout From Bollywood? The Roles of Social Networks and Regulation in the Evolution of Indian Film Industry (with Mark Lorenzen), Journal of International Management, 14(3): 286-299 (2014 IF: 1,648; HB: 0,4; ISI citations: 10/ GS citations: 95).


When Outsourcing is not an Option: International Relocation of Investment Bank Research (with Michael H. Grote). Journal of International Management, 13(1): 57-77 (2014 IF: 1,648; HB: 0,4; ISI citations: 12/ GS citations: 59).


’They won’t take you seriously otherwise’– Obstacles in Offshoring and Outsourcing Investment Banks’ Research (with Michael Grote), Journal of Financial Transformation, Vol. 17, August: 49-59.

Offshoring the Financial Services Industry: The Upgrading of Indian IT Clusters in the Global Value Chain (with Michael H. Grote). Environment and Planning A, volume 38(7) July, 1269 – 1285 (2014 IF: 1,69; HB: 0,4; ISI citations: 13/ GS citations: 44).


Book Chapters


Internationalization of German Mittelstand into Emerging Markets (with Amit Karna and Christian Landau). In Hemant Merchant (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Emerging Markets, Edward Elgar, 292-316.


The Service Offshoring Code: Location efficiencies for German Firms (with Amit Karna and Robert Fraunhoffer). In Torben Pedersen, Lydia Bals & Peter Ørberg Jensen (Eds.) The Offshoring Challenge: Strategic Design and Innovation for Tomorrow’s Organization, Springer Decision engineering series: 229-249.


Entrepreneurial Ventures and Knowledge Spillovers: Case of an Indian Software Cluster (with Amit Karna and Petra Sonderegger). In Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research: Vol. 30: Iss. 15, Article 19.

Learning across the IT life cycle: advantages of integrated service creation and service management (with Madhukar I. B.). In Frank Keuper, Christian Oecking, Andreas Degenhardt (Eds.), Application Management, Wiesbaden: 165-182 (GS citations: 1).


The state of innovation in Germany (with Alexander Ebner). In Augusto Lopez-Claros (Ed.), The Innovation for Development Report 2009-2010 - Strengthening Innovation for the Prosperity of Nations, Palgrave MacMillan, 183-197 (GS citations: 2).


Diversity and the Geography of Technology Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Indian IT Industry. In M. Keilbach, J.P. Tamvada & D. B. Audretsch (Eds.), Sustaining Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: Lessons in Policy and Industry Innovations from Germany and India, New York: Springer, 189-204 (GS citations: 15)

The Indian software industry–cultural factors underpinning its evolution. In W. Dissanayake & K. Moti Gokulsing (Eds.), Popular Culture in a globalised India. Routledge, 223-235.


Local clusters with non-local demand: an exploratory study of small ethnic worlds in the Indian IT industry. In Stephen Tallman (Ed.), A New Generation in International Strategic Management. Edward Elgar, 263-281 (GS citations: 6).


Transnational Networks and the Evolution of the Indian Software Industry: The Role of Culture and Ethnicity. In D. Fornahl, C. Zellner & D. B. Audretsch, (Eds.), The Role of Labour Mobility and Informal Networks for Knowledge Transfer. ISEN – International Studies in Entrepreneurship. New York: Springer: 97-121 (GS citations: 12).


Culture, Innovation, and Economic Development: The Case of the South Indian ICT Clusters. In S. Mani & H. Romijn (Eds.), Innovation, Learning and Technological Dynamism of Developing Countries. New York: United Nations University Press: 202-228 (GS citations: 25).




Innovationsmanagement und Entrepreneurship (with Ronald Gleich and Patrick Spieth), Book series, Gabler.


From (auto)mobile to mobility: technological change and innovation in the global vehicle industry (with John Paul MacDuffie and Anja Schulze), Guest Editors, Industrial and Corporate Change 24(3) (2012 IF: 1,331; HB: 0,5).


Diaspora Investment and Entrepreneurship: The Role of People, their Movements, and Capital in the International Economy (with Masaaki Kotabe, Liesl Riddle, Petra Sonderegger), Guest Editors, Journal of International Management (2012 IF: 2,2; HB: 0,4).


Project-based Organising and Strategic Management (with Gino Cattani, Simone Ferriani and Lars Frederiksen), Guest Editors, Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 28 (2012 IF: 0,424; HB: 0,2)


Other Publications


Ressourceneffizienz im deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Studie im Auftrag des VDMA (mit Michael Migendt).


The Rise of the COO (with Gunjan Bhardwaj and Andreas Eisingerich), Harvard Business Review Blog, November 9, 2011


From service ‘scapegoats’ to strategy partners – the evolving role of the (European) COO (zusammen with Gunjan Bhardwaj, Andreas Bissinger and Andreas Eisingerich). Performance, 3(2): 78-89.

Open Innovation für E-Services: Rahmenkonzept zur Kundenintegration in den Innovationsprozess (with Herbert Gillig).Wissenschaftsmanagement, 4 (Juli/August), 46-50.


Erfolgsfaktoren akademischer Spin-Offs (with Dirk Fornahl and Markus Gerhart). WISU – das Wirtschaftsstudium, 8-9/ 2009, 1128-1132.

Erfolgsfaktoren von Ausgründungen (Spin-offs) aus Forschungseinrichtungen (with Dirk Fornahl and Markus Gerhart). Performance, 1/ 2009, S. 20-25.


Stethoskop statt Megaphon - Die Rolle der Unternehmenskommunikation bei Open Innovation (with Alexander Gerber). Innovationsmanager, 04/ 2008, 28-29.


Breakout from Bollywood? Internationalization of Indian Film Industry (with Mark Lorenzen). DRUID Working Paper 07-06 (Google Scholar citations: 18)


Proximities and Innovation: Evidence from the Indian IT Industry in Bangalore. DRUID Working Paper 04-10 (Google Scholar citations: 18)