Bachelor Vollzeit Englisch
Bachelor Dual Management
Bachelor Berufsbegleitend Deutsch
Prep4University Programm
Master Vollzeit Englisch
Master Berufsbegleitend Englisch
Master Dual Management & Technik
Double Degree Master
Bachelor Vollzeit Englisch
Bachelor Vollzeit Deutsch
Bachelor Dual Management
Bachelor Dual Technik
Bachelor Berufsbegleitend Deutsch
Prep4University Programm
Master Vollzeit Englisch
Master Vollzeit Deutsch
Master Berufsbegleitend Englisch
Master Berufsbegleitend Deutsch
Master Dual Management & Technik
Double Degree Master
Internationalität & Studentenleben
Welche Rahmenbedingungen benötigen Mitarbeitende, um sich optimal weiterzuentwickeln? Und wie können Teams effektiv geführt werden? Die Wirtschaft stellt einen der größte Arbeitgeber für Wirtschaftspsychologen/-innen dar. Hier trägst du mit Deinem Fachwissen über psychologische und wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge beispielsweise einen großen Anteil daran, dass die Unternehmen ihre Kunden und Mitarbeiter besser verstehen und ein gutes Betriebsklima etabliert wird. Als Bachelor-Studierender der Business Psychology an der CBS International Business School erwirbst Du die Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaft- und Volkswirtschaftslehre, des strategischen Managements sowie der Psychologie. Nach Deinem Studium Business Psychology kannst Du höhere Managementpositionen u. a. im Marketing, in Unternehmensberatungen oder in Personalabteilungen übernehmen.
Was ist Wirtschaftspsychologie? Definition - Einfach erklärt
In unserem Business-Psychology-Studium erwirbst Du das Spezialwissen für Deine internationale Management-Karriere: Während der ersten Semester wirst Du schrittweise in die Grundlagen des Financial Accounting, der Business Basics und der Microeconomics eingeführt und vertiefst dieses Wissen in marktrelevanten Anwendungsfeldern, wie Market Research und Strategic and International Management. Zu den weiteren Schwerpunkten zählen:
Media and Consumer Psychology
Personality Psychology and Management
Strategic and International Management
Marketing and Human Resource Management
Psychology and the Workplace
*Die angezeigten Preise verstehen sich als Semestergebühr. Informationen zu den Studiengebühren für Nicht-EU-Studierende findest Du auf der allgemeinen Informationsseite zu den Studiengebühren. Stand: Januar 2024.
Diese Studieninhalte erwarten Dich in den einzelnen Semestern im Bachelorstudiengang Business Psychology:
Introduction: Basic business, economic, and market principles and key terms
External Business Environment
Global Markets
Competitive Environment
Internal Environment
Management, Leadership & Motivation
Business Function: HR, Operations, Marketing, Finance & Accounting
Business Ethics and CSR
Emerging Business Trends
Survey on different legal systems and the harmonizing effect of EU Law
Concluding a contract
Different types of contracts and their typical features
Performance and obligations
Solving problems (e.g. failure to perform, liabilities)
Safeguarding creditors’ rights
Forms of business organizations
Introduction to functions, graphs and interpretations
Understanding Derivatives
Applications of Derivatives
Understanding Differential Equations
Applications of Differential Equations
Understanding Logarithms
Applications of Logarithms
Introducing data and statistics
Descriptive statistics and exploratory data analysis
Introduction to probability theory
Discrete and continuous probability distributions
Sampling and sampling distributions
Interval estimations
Hypothesis development and testing
Simple linear regressions
The purpose of accounting
Formal rules and assumptions, national law, IFRS, US-GAAP
The system of financial statements and accounts
Accounting for services and merchandising
Inventory valuation
Plant, natural and intangible assets
Owner’s equity of corporations
Value-added tax
The purpose of accounting
Formal rules and assumptions, national law, IFRS, US-GAAP
The system of financial statements and accounts
Accounting for services and merchandising
Inventory valuation
Plant, natural and intangible assets
Owner’s equity of corporations
Value-added tax
Historical perspectives
Development of different approaches
Biology & sensation
Cognition and states of consciousness
Conditioning and learning
Language and intelligence
Constructed realities
Motivated behaviours
Research methodology and psychology
Characteristics of the scientific method
Framework and ethical issues
Depending on the student‘s choice, language courses are offered, for example, in English, Spanish or French. If you choose the English-Only track, the lessons will focus on the intensive development of your English skills.
This course aims to solidify the students’ existing language competencies as independent users of English and to enable them to apply this to their studies, focusing on educational and business domains. Students will learn the skills and process of critical thinking and analysis and how to express and elaborate their thoughts, opinions, and arguments. Students will have gained an understanding of complex language and writing skills to organize and develop their ideas in a scholarly way.
In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.
Introduction into microeconomic models
Consumer theory
The theory of the firm
Competitive markets
Market failure
Market power and monopoly
Oligopoly and monopolistic competition
Asymmetric information
Introduction to game theory
Introduction into microeconomic models
Consumer theory
The theory of the firm
Competitive markets
Market failure:
Market power and monopoly
Oligopoly and monopolistic competition
Asymmetric information
Introduction to game theory
Marketing Definition and Process
Marketing in Context of Corporate Strategies
Internal Analysis and Marketing Environment (Micro)
Marketing Environment (Macro)
Consumer Buying Behaviour
Market Segmentation
Strategic Brand Management
Marketing Instruments (Product, Price Place, Promotion)
Marketing and Sustainability
Recruitment and Attraction
HR Planning, Controlling & Instruments
Training and Employee Development
Motivation and Leadership
Compensation and Benefits
Performance Appraisal and Management
Certificate of employment
HR Ethics
Trends in HRM
Introduction to Market Research
Defining the marketing research problem and developing an approach
Research design
Secondary Data
Qualitative research
Quantitative research
Scaling and sampling
Fieldwork and Data preparation
Basic data analysis (how to use it)
Report preparation and presentation
Rationales of cost accounting
Simplistic methods of overhead allocation
Job costing
Process costing
Activity-based costing
Overcapacity costing
Joint product costing
Overhead analysis sheet
Concepts of relevant cost and revenue
Historical overview of personal psychology
Theories of personality (modern vs. classic)
Humanistic Theories
Psychodynamic Theories
Social-Cognitive Theories
Measurement of Personality
The aim of this course is to solidify the students’ existing language competencies, as independent users of English, and to enable them to apply this to their studies, focusing on educational and business domains. Since English is the medium of instruction in their respective study programmes, students are expected to reach a proficient user level in English within the first year.
This course aims to solidify the students’ existing language competencies as independent users of English and to enable them to apply this to their studies, focusing on educational and business domains. Students will learn the skills and process of critical thinking and analysis and how to express and elaborate their thoughts, opinions, and arguments. Students will have gained an understanding of complex language and writing skills to organize and develop their ideas in a scholarly way.
Depending on the student‘s choice, language courses are offered, for example, in English, Spanish or French. If you choose the English-Only track, the lessons will focus on the intensive development of your English skills.
In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.
Indicators: Gross Domestic Product and its major components, Inflation
Labour Markets and unemployment
The classical AS-AD model
Keynes’ IS-LM Model
The basic RBC model
Monetary Policy
Fiscal Policy
Indicators: Gross Domestic Product and its major components, Inflation
Labour Markets and unemployment
The classical AS-AD model
Keynes’ IS-LM Model
The basic RBC model
Monetary Policy
Fiscal Policy
External Analysis: understanding opportunities and threats the environment offers
Internal Analysis: uncovering strengths and weaknesses of the organization
Basic corporate-level strategic choices for long-term profitability
Diversification strategy
Mergers, acquisitions and alliances
Strategic entrepreneurship and innovation
Organizational structure and controls
Social Responsibility and Ethics of Strategic Management
Basics of Corporate Governance
Institutions governing competition
Formal and informal institutions
Organizational designs for multinational companies
Location-based aspects: Competitive advantages of countries
Organization, local adaptation and the need for standardization
New approaches in International Management (Born Global, QRC, …)
Networks and innovation
Managing people in multinational enterprises
Leadership and management behaviour in multinational companies
Social sciences and its methods
Individual and society
Human behaviour and organisation
Development of civilisations
Culture and the individual
Decision making and power
Politics and society
Social and political institutions
Economics and society
Global issues
Theory and hypotheses
Qualitative method
Quantitative method
Research designs
Data collection methods
Correlation and Causality
Data collection
Social identity
Social influence
Social perception and resulting causal attribution
Group norms and behaviour
Conformity and “Groupthink”
Interaction and conflict
Symbols and categorization
History of organisational psychology
Individual decision making
Conflict management
Attitudes, values, job satisfaction and commitment
Motivation theories and organisational applications
Effective teams
Leadership and management style
Power and politics
Organisational change and development
Depending on the student‘s choice, language courses are offered, for example, in English, Spanish or French. If you choose the English-Only track, the lessons will focus on the intensive development of your English skills.
In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.
Philosophical aspects of empirical scientific work (neo-positivism, critical rationalism, constructivism)
Causality hypothesis testing in experiments
Laboratory, field, quasi-experiment, ex-post facto design
Experiments in behavioural economics
Game Theory
Theoretical derivation, planning, data acquisition and evaluation of experiments
Ethics of experimental work
Test quality criteria (objectivity, reliability, validity, content validity, Cronbach's alpha, social validity, etc.)
Constructs (uni-bipolar etc.) and construct validity
Calibration (standardization) and calibration sample
Norm tables
Test Theory (Classical Test Theory and Item-Response Theory)
Adaptive testing
Classification of psychological tests (performance tests, aptitude tests, personality tests, projective tests, etc.)
Test publishers’ offers vs. open-access test procedures
Assessment centres
Interpretation of test results
Psycho-diagnostic applications, e.g. vocational aptitude testing
Criteria for selecting commercial tests
Economical aspects of testing
Test fairness and ethics of psychological diagnostics
Election and utilization of media
Forms of communication
Media & society
Historical overview and economic issues
Different genres of media and their underlying psychology
Psychological implications for politics
Stereotypes and prejudices caused by media
Media socialisation and media competency
Utilization of media by and effect on children
Usability: optimization of user interfaces
Advertisement and buying behaviour
Initiation of buying behaviour
Automatic information processing
Associations and context effects
Consistency and reactance
Evaluation and satisfaction
Attitudes and lasting change of attitudes
Advertisement Design
Measurement and Limitations of market research
Opportunities and challenges of consumer psychology
These courses aim to enable the students to develop and/or strengthen relevant skills that are of particular interest to them. Electives allow students to expand their knowledge. The following are examples of the types of courses on offer. Typically you have the choice between two or three different electives.
International Marketing
International Human Resource Management
Organisational Behaviour
Global Supply Chain Management
Diversity in Business
Corporate Social Responsibility
International Accounting
Advanced Statistics
Design Thinking
Quantitative Social Media Research
SAP as Enterprise Resource Planning Software
Snack Content
Harvesting and analyzing social media data for business purposes
Industry 4.0
These courses aim to enable the students to develop and/or strengthen relevant skills that are of particular interest to them. Electives allow students to expand their knowledge. The following are examples of the types of courses on offer. Typically you have the choice between two or three different electives.
International Marketing
International Human Resource Management
Organisational Behaviour
Global Supply Chain Management
Diversity in Business
Corporate Social Responsibility
International Accounting
Advanced Statistics
Design Thinking
Quantitative Social Media Research
SAP as Enterprise Resource Planning Software
Snack Content
Harvesting and analyzing social media data for business purposes
Industry 4.0
The overall objective of this course is to provide students with possibility of applying their business knowledge on concrete business situation (real or scenario-based), related to the field of their specialization. By the end of the module students should be able to:
Define project goals for the “client”.
Work under the set timeframe and agreed project scope.
Cooperate in the international project teams.
Plan and conduct secondary and primary research to gather necessary information: understand which information is needed and where to look for it.
Conduct analysis of the “client business”: be able to understand the researched information in a wider context.
Evaluate markets/ industries/ competitive landscapes.
Develop possible strategic directions for the “client” business.
Formulate recommendations
Depending on the student‘s choice, language courses are offered, for example, in English, Spanish or French. If you choose the English-Only track, the lessons will focus on the intensive development of your English skills.
In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.
You will spend the fifth semester at one of our numerous partner universities abroad. Our International Office supports you in the selection & application process and coordinates the courses to be taken abroad with you in advance.
Psychology of digitalisation
Digitalisation and decision making process
Digitalisation and emotions
Leadership in virtual teams
Artificial intelligence
Augmented reality
Digitalisation and communication
Digitalisation and health care management
Digital Recruiting and E Coaching/Learning
Online Marketing and social media
Psychology in digital HR M anagement
Digital customer service
Digital learning in a business context
Business models in dig ital business
Digital Retail Management
Big Data Management
Due to the workshop nature of this course, plus the fact that it deals with current trends, the contents of the course might change, in relation to the new trends and developments in business psychology.
Specific current problem areas where psychology is applied:
Job Involvement and Burnout
Gender study: psychological well-being of working men and working women
Aptitude Testing and selection process
Appraisal and reward
Training and measurement of training
Intercultural Management
During your 6th semester you are working on your Bachelor thesis. You have 12 weeks to complete your thesis and the subject is freely selectible. A supervisor from CBS will support you and you can write the thesis in collaboration with a company as well.
During the Bachelor Thesis Tutorial you will learn the fundamentals for your Bachelor thesis: Defining the topic as well as structuring the thesis and you will learn the theoretical knowledge for scientific working.
In a business simulation game participants have to manage their own virtual company which operates in the same market as other participant-operated competitors. This involves making typical management decisions in realistic environments. Beside the deepening and active examination of subject-specific knowledge the simulation games also include the team environment, where interaction, communication and prioritization are of paramount importance. Participants learn how to manage risk and uncertainty while time is limited and information constrained. Group-reflections help to take over different perspectives and to discuss pros and cons of content- as well as behaviour-related actions.
In courses such as Rhetoric and Presentation or Business and Society your social and leadership skills are trained. In addition to various compulsory courses, there are optional subjects where you can choose which of your competences should be particularly strengthened.
Teil des Studiums ist ein Praktikum (10 ECTS) in Deutschland oder im Ausland. Unser Career Service unterstützt Dich bei der Suche nach einem geeigneten Unternehmen.
Mit unserem englischsprachigen Bachelor- Business Psychology Studienprogramm stellst Du schon heute die Weichen für Deine Karriere im internationalen Kontext: So kannst Du ab dem ersten Semester eine zweite Fremdsprache lernen oder Deine Business-English-Kenntnisse ausbauen. Mit unserem Wahlfachbereich und Lehrveranstaltungen, wie International Human Resource Management und Global Supply Chain Management, hast Du zudem die Möglichkeit, Dich frühzeitig auf die Anforderungen Deines Wunscharbeitgebers zu spezialisieren. Das 5. Semester ist Deinem Auslandssemester an einer von über 120 CBS-Partnerhochschulen weltweit vorbehalten, in dem Du Deine interkulturellen Kompetenzen weiter optimierst.
Damit Du Dich schon während des Bachelorstudiums optimal auf den Arbeitsmarkt vorbereiten und verschiedene Branchen kennenlernen kannst, sind mehrere Praxisphasen im Lehrplan des Business Psychology Studiums integriert. So wirst Du u. a. in Deiner vorlesungsfreien Zeit ein siebenwöchiges Praktikum absolvieren und an komplexen Fragenstellungen in einem gemeinsamen Business Project mit Praxispartnern arbeiten. Auch unser Business Simulation Game bietet Dir die Chance, Dein Wissen praktisch anzuwenden. Unser Career Service unterstützt Dich dabei, einen spannenden Praktikumsplatz bei einem renommierten Unternehmen zu finden – auch im Ausland!
Außerdem erlernst Du in unseren Soft-Skill-Kursen, wie Du Teams führst und mit deinen Kommilitoninnen/Kommilitonen auf allen Hierarchieebenen zielgerichtet kommunizierst. Ob im Bewerbungsgespräch oder bei einer wichtigen Abschlusspräsentation – Ein souveränes Auftreten ist dabei die Summe aus Deinen Erfahrungen und gezielten Trainings, in denen Du Deine Fähigkeiten verbessern kannst. An der CBS bieten wir Dir dafür folgende Business-Skills-Trainings an:
Scientific Working and Study Skills
Rhetoric and Presentation Skills
Business and Society
Der Bedarf an akademisch fundiert ausgebildeten Wirtschaftspsychologen/-innen ist inzwischen stark angestiegen. Da Du der erste Ansprechpartner für das Verhalten von Menschen im wirtschaftlichen Kontext in Unternehmen bist, werden Deine Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse in allen Branchen benötigt, beispielsweise in Personalabteilungen von Unternehmen, Personaldienstleister, Personalberatungen, Marketing- und Werbeagenturen, Unternehmensberatungen, Medienunternehmen, Markt-, Meinungs- und Trendforschungsunternehmen, Marktforschungsabteilungen von Unternehmen.
Wirtschaftspsychologie Gehalt – Verdienstmöglichkeiten im Überblick
Um ein Bachelor-Studium in Business Psychology aufzunehmen, benötigst Du als Zulassungsvoraussetzung einen Abschluss der allgemeinen Hochschulreife oder die volle Fachhochschulreife. Gleichwertige Abschlüsse ausländischer Schulen werden nach einer Prüfung durch unser Admission Office ebenfalls anerkannt. Deine Eignung für das Bachelor-Studium in Business Psychology stellen wir während eines Assessment Days am CBS Campus fest.
Du möchtest Dich zu Hause in Ruhe über unsere Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge informieren? Jetzt unverbindlich und kostenlos Dein Infomaterial anfordern, und wir senden Dir gern unser Infomaterial zum Studium per E-Mail zu.
Folge uns auf Instagram & Facebook, lerne uns auf einer Infoveranstaltung kennen, oder nehme Kontakt mit unseren Studienberatern auf, um mehr über uns zu erfahren.
Beratung: Campus Köln
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Beratung: Campus Aachen & Rostock
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Beratung: Campus Berlin
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Beratung: Campus Düsseldorf/Neuss, Solingen
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Beratung: Campus Hamburg & Hannover
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Beratung: Campus Hannover & Rheine
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Beratung: Campus Mainz
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Telefon: | 0800 931 8099 |
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„Besonders die Soft-Skill-Kurse haben mir für mein Auftreten in den Bewerbungsgesprächen sehr geholfen. Durch die Arbeit im Finance and Business Club habe ich ein breites Netzwerk aufgebaut und Projektmanagement-Fähigkeiten erworben, mit denen ich bei den Firmen punkten konnte."
„Das praxisnahe Lernen in kleinen Gruppen hat mich optimal auf heutige Projekt- und Teamarbeit vorbereitet. Die CBS hat mir die entscheidenden Soft Skills und aktuelles Wissen aus der Praxis vermittelt."
„Das Management Studium bereitet einen sorgfältig auf die Aufgaben eines Beraters vor. "Insbesondere das Fördern von Präsentationstechniken sowie analytischem Denkvermögen ist im Berateralltag von enormer Bedeutung.“
„Viele Professoren haben uns im Unterricht an ihrer Branchenerfahrung teilhaben lassen und konnten trockene Theorie mit Praxisbeispielen veranschaulichen. Auch die internationale Atmosphäre am Campus hat mir gut gefallen.“
„Das Studium an der CBS hat einen großen Beitrag zu meiner Persönlichkeitsentwickung geleistet.“
„Insbesondere das Rhetoriktraining hat mir sehr geholfen meine eigenen Ideen zu präsentieren. Ebenso ist die praxisbezogene Ausbildung an der CBS sehr gut!“
„Das Studium an der CBS hat mich in vielerlei Hinsicht auf meine Karriere bei einer der weltweit führenden Media-Agenturen vorbereitet.“
„Besonders gefallen hat mir die Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis, die Internationalität, die kleinen Lerngruppen sowie die vielen Aktivitäten außerhalb des Lehrplans.“
„Durch das Masterstudium an der CBS konnte ich mein fachliches Wissen weiterentwickeln und mich perfekt auf den Berufseinstieg vorbereiten. Vor allem konnte ich aus den praxisbezogenen Inhalten sehr viel mitnehmen.“
„Viele Kontakte aus dem Studium sind für mich heute noch relevante Ansprechpartner für die verschiedensten Themen. Hier schon an der Uni zu lernen, welchen Mehrwert das Netzwerk haben kann, war wichtig.“
„Mir haben besonders der persönliche Charakter des Studiums und die gute Atmosphäre gefallen, die insbesondere durch die Kursgröße und die Nähe zu den Dozenten erreicht wurden.“