Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
Campus Cologne
Campus Mainz
Campus Berlin/Potsdam
Incoming Students
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International Office
Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
Campus Cologne
Campus Mainz
Campus Berlin/Potsdam
Incoming Students
Outgoing Students
International Office
Student Life
What does Brexit mean for a semester abroad in the UK? And what are the funding opportunities after leaving the EU? We talked to Silke Bochow, Head of International Office, about the Brexit’s effects for the higher education sector and received tips for your studies abroad in Great Britain.
Silke Bochow: We have exchange cooperations with partner universities, so these concerns are not necessarily justified. The tuition fees will still be waived at these universities which has already been discussed and confirmed with them. However, it will be a disadvantage that the Erasmus+ scholarship will probably no longer exist, as this programme is funded by the EU.
Silke Bochow: Unfortunately, there is no information on how to proceed with the Erasmus+ programme for the UK. Students having started their studies in the UK this semester, i.e. in September, will receive full Erasmus+ funding for this semester. Students studying at London Metropolitan University will have to pay the regular tuition fees for EU Nationals. (They have to pay tuition fees as the London Met is not a partner university for student exchange with CBS).
All EU students will probably have to pay the full and very high tuition fees charged for international students in the UK starting next summer semester - no matter when they applied. We recommend that you apply for one of our three partner universities if you want to spend a semester there from 2020: University of Hertfordshire (Hatfield), Birmingham City University (Birmingham) and Robert Gordon University Aberdeen (Aberdeen).
Silke Bochow: British students should inform themselves at their home universities or at the German embassy. Unfortunately, there is no firm information as to whether and what kind of visa they might have to apply for.
Silke Bochow: You can still apply for a DAAD PROMOS or a DAAD HAW scholarship. If you are interested, please contact Larissa Weidner, our study abroad advisor, at, who offers personal consultations on this topic.
CBS: Thank you very much for the interview!
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