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Bachelor Exchange Programmes
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The cluster “Leadership, People & Organisation” places a special focus on the constantly increasing demands on the leadership culture, personnel management practices and organisation of a company. Our vision makes it clear that we want to establish a new understanding of management in our research, moving away from a traditional management culture towards a sustainable leadership and entrepreneurial culture. Socially responsible leadership and human resource management in times of digitalization are answers to the current challenges of globalization, demographic change and rapid technological developments and require new leadership and organizational structures.
To represent organisations, one usually uses rectangles, solid and dashed lines for reporting and information lines, and ovals for committees. The symbols for process steps can also be considered as agreed. For all organisational elements that go beyond this, however, in the absence of an agreed standard there are no clear symbols that distinguish themselves from the rectangles, ovals and process symbols.
These include, for example, symbols for products or regulatory requirements, projects, teams or resources. A fortiori, there are no symbols to describe ownership, incentives, interests and forces in an organisation. The Organizational Design Language is therefore Prof. Dr. Ulrich Anders' attempt to reach an agreement and standardisation of symbols necessary for modelling and describing organisations.
The illustration on the left shows the first version of the Concept Card: "Organizational Design Language" by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Anders, 2019. The latest version can be found here.
As part of the university's sustainability focus and the existing CSR series, a book project "CSR and Intercultural Management" was carried out in 2018 together with Prof. Dr Ingvill C. Mochmann (GESIS-Leipniz Institute). In the edited volume, responsible corporate strategies in an intercultural context are discussed from a scientific and practical perspective. Country-specific examples are used to illustrate the partially different understanding of sustainability and possible approaches to dealing with this. A focus is placed on the topic of intercultural communication of values and CSR anchoring. The contents of this edited volume were taken up in 2019 in lectures and presented in working groups (e.g. IHK Cologne).
Continuation of the "HRM@EMS" project. The kick-off event of this practice-oriented series of events on 30 April 2019 was held under the slogan "Flexibilisation of the world of work - opportunities, risks, development trends". Mr Dirk Frintrop, Consultant at the personnel service provider Amadeus FiRe, and Mr Marc Launer, Director, Advanced Research & Product Concepts, Boeing Global Services, participated as practical representatives.
The topic of "sexual harassment in the workplace" has been high up on the to-do list of many companies at the latest since the #metoo debate. According to a study on the topic of "Sexual Harassment at the Workplace" by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency from 2019, every 11th employed person has already experienced sexual harassment at the workplace in the past three years. At 81%, women are the most affected group.
For companies, it is now a matter of raising awareness for the topic of sexual harassment and implementing processes to prevent sexual harassment (prevention) and, in the event of sexual harassment occurring, to react with confidence (intervention) in cooperation with all the company bodies involved (e.g. works council, HR department, specialist departments). The main starting point for the implementation of the measures resulting from the processes are the company managers.
Within the framework of a benchmarking study, 63 companies from 11 countries were analysed with regard to their measures for dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace. Based on defined criteria, the most common measures and processes were then filtered out and condensed into a best practice catalogue. As a result, concrete recommendations for action were developed for companies to raise awareness and educate their managers.
During the first colloquium of the research cluster "HR Management and Corporate Learning in the Sign of Digitalisation", which took place on 28/29 November 2019 in Hamburg under the auspices of the EURO-FH, Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Fröhlich and Prof. Dr. Anja Karlshaus also presented a paper on "Corporate Learning in Procurement". Anja Karlshaus presented a paper on "Corporate Learning in Procurement", which, based on a quantitative empirical survey, included research results on global challenges and trends for procurement, future professional profiles and relevant competences, as well as the evaluation of various training methods and concepts, which were also published in a Springer edited volume. Finally, at the interface of science and practice, the presentation was discussed in many facets and starting points for further research projects were proposed. The second colloquium will take place in 2020 under the direction of the CBS International Business School in Cologne.