Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
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International Office
Student Life
Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
Incoming Students
Outgoing Students
International Office
Student Life
On 19th November 2019, CBS organized the first online symposium "Dialogues Across Boarders" together with INTI University in Malaysia. The two universities met online for knowledge exchange and a joint learning experience. While each country organized a symposium on site, the two panels connected online for a joint meeting of experts and students.
After a short greeting by CBS President Prof. Lisa Fröhlich, the INTI expert panel presented contributions on the topic of "Implementation of the UN Agenda 2030 goals for sustainable development in Malaysia" (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Chaim, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hossein Nezakati and JCI Senator Andy Lau Eng Leong). CBS Prof. Nils Finger and Federal Chancellor Fellow Vaishali Baid each spoke on "Impacts of global procurement and sustainable supply chain management". In addition, a group of CBS students presented their market research results on the introduction of the re-cup deposit system in the CBS cafeteria, a system for avoiding disposable coffee cups.