
Conferences and Symposia

2nd Online Symposium on Sustainability 2020


The 2nd online Symposium on sustainability that jointly organized by CBS International Business School and INTI International University on Nov 27th 2020. The symposium had two important objectives:

  • To provide a platform to invite high-profile experts and researchers from both local and oversea institutions to share their latest research works in Sustainability periodically.​
  • To create an avenue for academics to explore the latest research agenda and identify potential areas on Sustainability for further research and collaboration.​

The symposium structured in 3 panel sessions namely; Millennials & Adoption of Cryptocurrency and Sustainability, Innovative Business Models & Technologies on Sustainability, and E-Grocery Businesses in the time of Covid-19 & Sustainable Business Model in the Food Industry. In total, more than 80 students and researcher from both institution attended in symposium.  Four different student research teams from CBS presented their researches in the 2 panels (with panellists from CBS International Business School, Malaysian University of Science and technology and Worcester universities). Three researchers from university of Wollongong, Herriot-watt and Oulu also presented their researches in the panel of Innovative Business Models & Technologies on Sustainability. Here you can read an article related to the symposium.