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CBS Team

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Anders

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Anders

Teaching assignments at CBS ? !

Business Planning and Financial Analysis
Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring
Strategic Management in Banking & Finance
Digital Network Economy
Digital Strategy Development
App Development in JavaScript
Organizational Design
(Agile) Project Management
Business Projects

Areas of research and consulting ? !

Startups and Business Planning
Organisational analysis and organisational design
Harmonic organisation and compatibility of interests
The "physics" of companies
Concept Thinking
(Agile) project management
Digital transformation

Education ? !

Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur Unternehmensführung/Operations Research, TH Karlsruhe

MBA in General Management, University of Kent at Canterbury

PhD in the topic of "Statistical Neural Networks", TH Karlsruhe

Industry positions ? !


Santander Consumer Bank

Dresdner Bank

Deutsche Bank


ZEW – Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung

Publications ? !


Anders, Ulrich (2017): "Die Physik von Unternehmen — Begriffe zur Beschreibung von Unternehmenszuständen", Working Paper.

Anders, Ulrich (2016): "Organisation ist eine Ressource: Einführung in die harmonische Organisation", Working Paper.

Anders, Ulrich (2015): "Die Hauptkomponenten von Unternehmen", Working Paper.

Anders, Ulrich (2017): "React Redux Workflow: Graphical Cheat Sheet",

Anders, U. (2004): "An Integrated Framework for the Governance of Companies", Operational Risk, März 2004, 24–28.

Anders, U. / Trimborn-Ley, S. (2004): "Woran Projekte scheitern", Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, Ausgabe Technik 1/2004, 19–23.

Anders, U. / van den Brink, G-J. (2004): "Implementing a Basel II Scenario-based AMA for Operational Risk." In: Ong M.K. (Ed.), The Basel Handbook, Risk Books, 343–368.

Anders, U. / Sandstedt, M. (2003b): "Self-Assessments for Scorecards", Risk, February 2003, 39–42.

Anders, U. / Overbeck, L. (2000): "Spezifisches Risiko für Unternehmensanleihen", Handbuch für das Risikomanagement, Uhlenbruch, 245–268.

Anders, U. (2000): "RaRoC — ein Begriff, viel Verwirrung." Die Bank, 5/2000, 314–317.

Anders, U. / Korn O. / Schmitt, C. (1998): "Improving the Pricing of Options — A Neural Network Approach." Journal of Forecasting, 17, 369–388.

Anders, U. (1997): "Statistische neuronale Netze." Vahlen Verlag.